“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by” from a poem titled, “The Road Not Taken,” by the American poet, Robert Frost (1874-1963)

Chapters 47:  The Path Of Least Resistance and Navigating Life: The Common and Probable vs. the Extraordinary and Possible

We have all heard of karma, which is the law of cause and effect.  We have also become quite acquainted with the laws of probability, especially if we have had a serious medical condition, graded our student’s papers on the curve, or been into a gambling casino. But is there a way to break free from karma’s cause and effects, and life’s probabilities and certainties into the realm of possibility?

We’ve all encountered the concept of karma, the ancient Eastern principle that every action has a corresponding reaction. This “law of cause and effect” suggests that our past deeds shape our present circumstances and future outcomes. Whether you’re a spiritual seeker or not, it’s hard to deny that actions have consequences. But is it possible to break free from the deterministic loops of karma and the cold calculations of probability, stepping into a realm where possibility and choice reign supreme?

In many spiritual traditions, karma serves as a moral compass, encouraging ethical behavior by promising rewards for good actions and repercussions for bad ones. It’s a comforting framework that provides a sense of justice in an often chaotic world. However, it can also be restrictive, locking individuals into a cycle of cause and effect that seems inescapable. Consider, for instance, the person who has made mistakes in the past and feels doomed by those choices. The weight of karma can become a burden, making it difficult to see a path forward that diverges from this predestined track.

Now, let’s pivot to the laws of probability, which we frequently encounter in our daily lives. From the likelihood of recovering from a serious medical condition to the statistical chances of success in various endeavors, probability governs much of how we interpret and interact with reality.  In education, for example, grading on a curve is a nod to the laws of probability. It acknowledges that performance often follows a bell curve, with most students clustering around an average score. Similarly, in the realm of health, probability helps us understand our risks and chances of recovery, guiding medical decisions that can be life-altering. And in casinos, probability is the bedrock upon which fortunes are won and lost, with the house always having a statistical edge.

But what if we could transcend both karma and probability? What if we could navigate life not merely as a series of causes and effects or statistical outcomes but as a boundless field of possibilities? This is where the power of choice and personal agency comes into play. Breaking free from the deterministic nature of karma and probability requires a shift in perspective. It involves recognizing that while past actions and statistical likelihoods influence our lives, they do not dictate our future. Spiritual seeking, critical thinking, and philosophical inquiry can provide the tools needed to navigate this complex landscape.

In the realm of possibility, we reclaim our autonomy. We understand that we are not merely passive recipients of karmic consequences or statistical probabilities but active participants in shaping our destiny. Here, the power of choice reigns supreme. By embracing the power of choice, we can align our actions with our highest values and aspirations, rather than being driven solely by past influences or statistical expectations. This doesn’t mean ignoring the lessons of karma or the insights of probability but rather integrating them into a more expansive view of what’s possible.

Spiritual seekers often turn to meditation, mindfulness, and other practices to cultivate a sense of presence and awareness, allowing them to respond to life’s challenges with greater clarity and intention. Critical thinkers employ reason and logic to dissect problems and explore alternatives, while philosophy enthusiasts delve into the nature of existence, seeking wisdom and understanding. These approaches offer valuable insights and strategies for navigating the uncertainties and possibilities of life. They encourage us to ask probing questions, challenge assumptions, and remain open to new perspectives and opportunities.

Ultimately, breaking free from the deterministic confines of karma and probability is about embracing the realm of possibility. It’s about recognizing our inherent capacity for choice and agency, and using that power to create a life aligned with our deepest values and highest aspirations. While we cannot fully escape the influence of past actions or statistical realities, we can transcend their limitations by cultivating a mindset of possibility.

Through spiritual seeking, critical thinking, and philosophical inquiry, we can navigate life’s uncertainties with a sense of purpose and possibility, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and transformation. So, the next time we feel weighed down by the past or overwhelmed by the odds, we can remember tthat we have the power to cchoose. .We can step into the realm of possibility, where the future is not predetermined but open to the infinite potential of your choices and actions.

Free Will, Anyone?

In the intricate tapestry of human existence, few debates have persisted with as much fervor and consequence as the one between free will and determinism. This philosophical conundrum goes beyond mere academic curiosity; it fundamentally shapes our understanding of human behavior, moral responsibility, and societal structures. For spiritual seekers, advocates of human potential, and philosophy enthusiasts, this debate is not just theoretical—it is a quest to comprehend the essence of our humanity.

Free will posits that individuals possess the inherent ability to make choices independent of external coercion. This perspective is deeply ingrained in our moral and legal frameworks. The very notion of justice hinges on the belief that people are accountable for their actions because they have the capacity to choose right from wrong.

To deny free will is to challenge the foundation upon which we assign blame and administer punishment. If our actions are not truly our own, how can we be held responsible? The belief in free will aligns with our innate sense of autonomy and our aspiration to shape our destiny, reinforcing the idea that despite external pressures, we have control over our actions and, consequently, our lives.

On the opposite end of the spectrum lies determinism, the belief that every event, including human actions, is the inevitable result of preceding events and natural laws. This viewpoint suggests that our choices are not as free as we might believe; rather, they are determined by genetic makeup, environmental factors, and past experiences.

Determinism challenges the concept of personal responsibility, posing critical questions about the efficacy of punishment and reward. If our actions are predetermined, then the moral culpability of those actions comes into question. This perspective extends to understanding behavioral patterns, psychological issues, and even societal injustices as products of a chain of cause and effect, rather than individual failings or triumphs.

While free will and determinism appear to be polar opposites, a middle ground acknowledges the interplay between individual agency and external influences. Compatibilism, or soft determinism, asserts that free will and determinism are not mutually exclusive. It posits that humans can act freely within a deterministic framework, suggesting that while our choices may be influenced by prior causes, we still exercise control.

This nuanced view provides a more comprehensive understanding of human actions, recognizing both the power of personal agency and the impact of external factors. It allows for the maintenance of moral responsibility while appreciating the complexity of human behavior shaped by a mosaic of influences.

The implications of the free will vs. determinism debate extend far beyond philosophy, impacting ethics, psychology, and social policy. In ethics, this debate informs our principles surrounding justice, punishment, and forgiveness. In psychology, it influences our understanding of behavior, mental health, and therapeutic approaches. In social policy, it guides our strategies for education, rehabilitation, and social welfare.

For spiritual seekers, the debate touches on profound questions of purpose and destiny. For human potential advocates, it addresses the boundaries of self-determination and growth. For philosophy enthusiasts, it remains a central issue that bridges metaphysics, epistemology, and human nature.

The debate between free will and determinism is a timeless and essential discourse that invites us to explore the depths of human nature and societal constructs. While the tension between these perspectives persists, embracing a middle ground that acknowledges both personal agency and external determinants offers a richer, more holistic understanding of human behavior.

Is Free Will Antithetical To The Path Of Least Resistance?

In the grand tapestry of existence, each individual thread follows its course, some intertwining with the common fabric, others diverging to add vibrant splashes of color where least expected. The path of least resistance, a concept as old as the elements themselves, suggests a flow towards the easiest, most unobstructed route through life. Water meanders around rocks, electricity seeks the shortest path, and humans? We often gravitate towards comfort and familiarity. But in this natural inclination towards ease, do we risk missing the essence of what it means to truly live?

The allure of the common path is undeniable. It promises safety, a sense of belonging, and the comfort of predictability. Like a well-worn trail through a forest, it beckons with the assurance of a destination known, a route defined. This path represents the collective experience, a shared journey that, while comforting, often lacks the vibrancy of the uncharted. The danger here lies not in the path itself but in the uniformity it engenders, potentially stifling the individual spirit that yearns for more than just the familiar.  This is also the prime domain of fate, where we often fall under the dictates of an often capricious world, and can feel out of control while under its often hypnotizing spell.

Yet, there exists an alternative, a road less traveled, marked by the thorns of challenges and the blooms of discovery. This is the path of the extraordinary, a route that veers off the beaten track into realms of untold adventures and lessons. It is here, amidst the unknown, that life unfolds in its most raw and vivid forms. Those who dare to step away from the safety of the common narrative find themselves on a journey of self-discovery, where every turn reveals new depths to existence, every obstacle a lesson in resilience.

Fate, it is often argued, quietly nudges us along the path of least resistance, a gentle guiding hand towards what is known and secure. Destiny, however, calls for a bolder spirit, an audacious heart that seeks to venture beyond the comfort zone. It whispers of potential, of the extraordinary that lies in wait for those willing to greet the unknown with open arms. Destiny is not a preordained endpoint but a series of choices, each leading further away from the conventional, towards the unique tapestry each life has the potential to weave.

The dichotomy between the common and the extraordinary is not a choice between right and wrong but between comfort and growth. While the familiar path offers solace, the extraordinary path promises evolution. It challenges preconceptions, fosters resilience, and cultivates a profound understanding of one’s place in the universe. To choose this path is to accept life’s inherent unpredictability, to find joy in the exploration of the unseen, and to discover the untold strength within.

In the end, the choice between the common and the extraordinary is deeply personal, a reflection of one’s values, desires, and the courage to pursue them. The key lies in awareness, in recognizing that at every moment, there exists the possibility to step off the familiar path, to explore the richness that life offers beyond the confines of comfort. For those who seek more than just to exist, the extraordinary path awaits, a testament to the human spirit’s unyielding quest for depth, meaning, and adventure.

To truth seekers, adventurers, philosophy enthusiasts, and life coaches who guide others towards finding their unique path, this serves as a reminder of the beauty that lies in the pursuit of the extraordinary. It is a call to explore, to dream, and to dare to live a life less ordinary.  It is a pointer to where the path towards the once unknown and unknowable exists.  It points to parallel yet different paths, the path of least resistance where fate is often our hiking compass, and the path of higher resistance  where the signs for  immense and unique opportunities are seen along the way, pointing to where we can live into the promise of our lives, thus fulfilling our destiny.

The Intricate Dance of Neurolinguistic Programming and Free Will

In the vast landscape of human cognition, the relationship between neurolinguistic programming and free will presents a captivating paradox. How does the power of language influence our thoughts, beliefs, and actions? Are we truly free to make choices, or are we bound by the subconscious programming embedded in our minds?  There are many intricacies to the discussion of neurolinguistic programming, the illusion of free will, and how vocabulary shapes our very existence.

Neurolinguistic programming, often referred to as NLP, is the study of how language and communication impact our neurology, psychology, and behavior. It delves into the intricate dance between the mind and language, revealing the profound influence words have on our perception of reality. Language acts as a powerful tool, shaping our thoughts and emotions, and ultimately guiding our actions.

Through NLP, we come to comprehend the immense power language holds in constructing our subjective experience of the world. The brain, with its intricate neural networks, processes language and embeds it deep within our subconscious. This programming forms the foundation of our beliefs, habits, and self-perception, dictating how we interact with ourselves and the world around us.

As we navigate the realm of neurolinguistic programming, we inevitably encounter the philosophical debate surrounding free will. Are we truly autonomous beings capable of making independent choices, or are our decisions predetermined by the subconscious programming ingrained within us?

Determinism, the belief that all events, including human actions, are ultimately determined by preceding causes, challenges the notion of free will. Advocates argue that our thoughts and behaviors arise from a complex web of biological, environmental, and genetic factors beyond our conscious control. Our every action is influenced by the intricate dance of neurons firing within our brain, choreographed by the language we have absorbed throughout our lives.

Within the realm of neurolinguistic programming, the specific words and phrases we choose have a profound impact on our thoughts and behaviors. Language acts as a lens through which we perceive reality, shaping our understanding of self and others. It constructs the narratives that govern our lives.

Consider the power of positive affirmations. By consciously choosing uplifting words and phrases, we can reprogram our minds to embrace optimism, resilience, and self-belief. Similarly, the words we use to describe ourselves and our experiences can either empower or limit us. The simple act of reframing negative self-talk can unlock tremendous personal growth and transformation.

Moreover, linguistic patterns, such as metaphors and storytelling, have the ability to bypass the critical mind and directly influence our subconscious. They ignite emotions, shape our beliefs, and inspire action. Through the strategic use of language, we can create profound shifts in our lives and the lives of others.

The Art of Reclaiming Free Will

While the subconscious programming of our minds exerts a powerful influence, it is not an insurmountable force. By cultivating awareness and consciously choosing our words, we can reclaim our free will and reshape our reality. Here are some strategies to embark on this transformative journey:

  1. Self-Reflection: Engage in introspection to identify limiting beliefs and patterns of thought. Question their origins and challenge their validity.
  2. Conscious Language Use: Select words and phrases that empower and align with your desired reality. Use positive affirmations and reframe negative self-talk.
  3. Mindfulness Practice: Cultivate present-moment awareness to observe your thoughts and language patterns. This enables you to consciously choose your words before they become automatic responses.
  4. Neuroplasticity Exercises: Engage in activities that promote neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to rewire itself. This might include learning new languages, engaging in creative pursuits, practicing visualization exercises, and/or micro dosing psilocybin mushrooms.
  5. Seek Support: Connect with like-minded individuals who are on a similar journey of self-discovery and transformation. Surround yourself with a community that supports and encourages your growth.

The study of neurolinguistic programming not only aligns with scientific principles but also intersects with spiritual concepts. The power of language to shape our reality echoes the teachings of ancient wisdom traditions. Whether we view it through a scientific or spiritual lens, the message remains the same: our words hold immense creative power.

As we embrace the art of conscious language use, we embark on a path of personal growth and transformation. We realize that our reality is not fixed, but rather malleable, waiting to be reshaped by the profound influence of our words. By harnessing the synergy between neurolinguistic programming and free will, we unlock the potential to create a life that aligns with our deepest desires and aspirations.

In the intricate dance of neurolinguistic programming and free will, we find both the limitations and the incredible potential of the human mind. Through the power of language, we construct our realities, shaping our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. While the subconscious programming embedded within us exerts a profound influence, we have the capacity to reclaim our free will and consciously choose the words that guide our lives.

Let us embark on this transformative journey, embracing the art of conscious language use, and reshaping our realities. By becoming aware of the intricate dance between neurolinguistic programming and free will, we awaken to the immense power we hold within ourselves. Together, let us choose our words wisely and craft a world filled with authenticity, growth, and limitless possibilities.

Synchronicity and Coincidence: Two Sides of the Same Coin

In our lives, we may experience unplanned or unanticipated moments of immense significance, which often present themselves as a synchronicity or coincidence. Are they mere chance encounters, or do they carry a significance that whispers the secrets of the universe?  Synchronicity, a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung, is the occurrence of two or more events that appear meaningfully related but not causally connected. In stark contrast, a coincidence is seen as a random stroke of chance—an unpredictable, inexplicable stroke of luck. Throughout history, humans have observed events coinciding in such a way that our hearts and minds struggle to label them as accidental. Art, literature, and religious texts are imbued with instances where synchronicity acts as a hidden hand, guiding individuals towards epiphanies and enlightenment. The spiritual community often sees synchronicity as a signal from the cosmic web, suggesting a deeper underlying order and a purposeful fabric weaving through our lives. It’s as though the universe is conspiring to set us on a path of realization and growth—a nudge so subtle yet so profound.

Science counters with the theory of probability, explaining coincidence as a statistical certainty given enough time and events. It stipulates that with a plethora of events unfolding globally, the occasional overlap of happenstances is not only possible but expected. Yet one cannot help but wonder, when coincidence edges into the realm of the uncanny, does it not begin to mirror what we call synchronicity? The true essence lies in their interplay—an enigmatic dance of the meaningful and the random. Our lives are adorned with overlapping experiences, which might simply reflect our intrinsic desire to find patterns, to seek connections where perhaps none were intentionally crafted. However, is this interpretative lens not also a tool for finding meaning in the canvas chaos paints across time?

Our perception plays a critical role in distinguishing between synchronicity and coincidence. A skeptic might dismiss a fortuitous event as happenstance, while another, eyes wide to potential signs, may see the same event as a message or guidepost. Does our mindset craft the experience? Is the believer’s world rich with connections, while the skeptic’s reality stands barraged by random shuffles of the deck of life?

How do you see any fortuitous crossing of paths, do you dismiss them as just mundane coincidence? Or was it synchronicity at play, a reassuring touch of the universe confirming that your inner compass was true?

In this woven tapestry of existence, we are privy to instances that defy the odds—where the line between synchronicity and coincidence blurs. Each serves as a reminder of life’s unfathomable mystery and depth. Take a moment to recognize these occurrences, cherish them, for regardless of their nature, they serve to enliven our journey. Let us embrace the interconnectedness of events, the meshing of fortune and intent. Open your heart to the symphony of life’s subtle moments—they carry within them the power to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

     In our infinitely interconnected existence, there are strands that miraculously weave together to create moments of profound unity. In our unillumined  minds, chaos, chance, probability, coincidence, and synchronicity appear to dance together out of rhythm with each other, while shaping our lives in ways both mysterious and awe-inspiring ways.   Life, with all its complexities has beneath its surface a deeper order, a hidden harmony that connects seemingly disparate events. It is within this interplay of chaos, chance, probability, coincidence, and synchronicity that we may gain glimpses into the profound mysteries of existence.

     Chance and probability are best friends with uncertainty. They run together in the herd of randomness, shaping the unfolding of events. From the roll of a dice, outcome of a coin toss, to the actuarial tables of a life insurance salesperson, chance reminds us of the delicate balance between probability, fate and free will.   Coincidences, those curious intersections of events seen as defying all probability for occurring, often leave us questioning the fabric of reality. Are these events mere chance, or do they hold a deeper meaning? From anticipating and then receiving a phone call from a long neglected friend, unintentionally crossing paths with a former lover in a foreign land,  to picking a wedding ring that exactly matches one that the partner had in a dream 17 years before, yet had forgotten about,, coincidences beckon us to explore the hidden realms of synchronicity.

     At the intersection of chance and meaning stands synchronicity, a concept that bridges the worlds of psychology, spirituality, and quantum physics. Quantum physics offers tantalizing clues, revealing the interconnectedness of all things and the role of consciousness in shaping our reality.  Quantum physics now has established the infinite interconnectedness of this universe, and the entanglement of particles with direct non-local influence on each other, and other events, billions of miles away from each other at the same exact moment in time.  Of course,  inquiring minds want to know if consciousness is as ubiquitous and omnipresent as God is claimed to be, and, perhaps, a manifestation of God, or merely an anomaly of our earthly human existence?  We all must seek for our own answers, while remaining open minded to the revelations others have received.

     Synchronistic experiences leave indelible imprints. They remind us that we are part of something greater that intimately connects to the world around us. From the serendipitous encounters that lead us down unexpected paths to the uncanny timing of events, most of us have personal reflections that illuminate the transformative power of synchronicity.  Within synchronicity lies the notion of the power of intention, and even co-creation with the universe. As we align our intentions with the flow of existence, we become active participants in the unfolding of synchronistic events. It is through focused intention that we invite meaningful coincidences into our lives, opening doors to new possibilities and profound growth.

     As we reflect on the interplay of chaos, chance, probability, coincidence, and synchronicity, we are invited to embrace these phenomenon as partners in the dance of connection. In these moments of profound interconnectedness, we glimpse the underlying unity of the universe. By embracing synchronistic experiences, we can explore our own connections, and honor the magical threads that bind us all.  We may come to understand that, even as the seeming smallest part of the universe that we are, we somehow have access to its infinite power. In the relationship between chaos and synchronicity, we find the extraordinary within the ordinary, the beauty within the chaos, and the profound meaning within the seemingly random. As we embrace the mysteries of existence, we may find the transformative power to shape our lives and enrich our souls.

Matthew Fox Cosmic Christ Workshop, April 1 2017 

After Friday evening’s seminar about mysticism with the Master Spiritual Teacher, Matthew Fox, we returned to our hotel room, to rest up for the next morning’s follow-up workshop on the Cosmic Christ. I had quite the deep, peaceful sleep, which lasted six hours for me. Prior to awakening, I had a most interesting, powerful dream.

What was/is fascinating about this dream is how absolutely awake I was, while having the dream.  It is a complete spiritual teaching, and for that, Great Spirit, I thank you, and my gratitude will be expressed through the life lived through me, for now and all time to come.

Curiosity only thrives in an unconditioned mind. Drink freely from its chalice of the Spirit!

In the dream, I opened a door, and walked into a room that was well-lit.  The room seemed unfamiliar to me. Inside of the room there was a man standing to the right of the entrance. He greeted me, holding a cup out to me in his hand. He gently offered it to me, and for a moment I considered what it’s contents might be. I then knew that if I drank from it, I would become “intoxicated”, but of a different nature that was still consistent with the path of “sobriety” I currently walked upon. I then noticed a table, where an opened map laid open upon it. The man walked with me to the table, still holding the cup.

I looked at the map, and it was a topographic style map, similar to what I might use for traveling and/or hiking with. There were two distinct areas to it. The path or road, on the right side of the map, had only one dark, solid line drawn from the bottom to the top of the map. But, the section on the left side of the map had several dotted lines that only remotely “paralleled” the route on the right side of the map. I had no judgement about each of the path styles, yet I remained curious about the several dotted line paths, which intersected each other, while also “snaking” their unique individual routes up the map. I noted also that the “dotted line” paths also did not ever cross the path of the solid, dark line, though all of the paths had no distinct starting, or end point.

At the Cosmic Christ workshop, Matthew asked if anyone had a dream that they wanted to share in the big group. Not being a spiritually “realized person”, I felt uncomfortable sharing the dream. But when it came time for a break, I took a book to Matthew for signing, and shared my dream with him. He refused to tell me what it might mean, but he had a smile on his face, and told me to let it tell me it’s meaning.

On our drive home, Sharon White took controls of the car, and I started telling her the dream again. It was then that the horripilations (Godchills) began in earnest, and the full meaning came through me. A complete mystical understanding, and teaching, was built into that dream, and it was then I realized that I had indeed drunk from the cup of the Spirit. Yes, I became quite “intoxicated” with Spirit, and I knew then that we had truly been blessed by the Master Teacher.

The most powerful tool of oppression keeps us so busy with the daily struggle that we don’t have the time to connect all of the dots and become engaged with our authentic life.  Instead, we remain stuck on Capitalism’s superhighway to someone else’s destination.

I don’t expect anybody who remains stuck in their conditioned mind, or in the rut on the right side of the map to understand this dream.  Those who travel on the left side, where the unknown and the freedom to consciously wander are represented, will understand two main points:  1).  the pathways are made of dotted lines, showing that the unknown will be a constant companion on the journey:, and 2) a lot more of the “scenery” will be covered by those who choose to live outside of the ruts in life.  Those willing to take the risk will earn the greatest reward, which is a vastly enhanced spiritual consciousness..This is the path of conscious evolution, where our curiosity and creativity drives us to create new paths of consciousness, rather than just conforming to the expectations of church, society, and family.

Mysticism, the heart of all vibrant, evolving religions, also can be a personal reality. It is the universe where we may consciously wander through the divine fields of personal destiny.  It is not, however, for those clinging to structured understandings of life, those often crowded together on the path of least resistance, where the signs pointing in fate’s direction are everywhere.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring;

Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless shall again be king.”

-JRR Tolkien


Presently, I am 67 years old, and I am learning how to live the life of a retired person. I am married to Sharon White, a retired hospice nurse, and writer. Whose Death Is It Anyway-A Hospice Nurse Remembers Sharon is a wonderful friend and life partner of nearly 30 years. We have three grandsons through two of Sharon's children. I am not a published writer or poet. My writings are part of my new life in retirement. I have recently created a blog, and I began filling it up with my writings on matters of recovery and spirituality. I saw that my blog contained enough material for a book, so that is now my new intention, to publish a book, if only so that my grandsons can get to know who their grandfather really was, once I am gone. The title for my first book will be: Penetrating The Conspiracy Of Silence, or, How I Lived Beyond My Expiration Date I have since written 7 more books, all of which are now posted on this site. I have no plans to publish any of them, as their material is not of general interest, and would not generate enough income to justify costs. I have taken a deep look at life, and written extensively about it from a unique and rarely communicated perspective. Some of my writing is from 2016 on to the present moment. Other writing covers the time prior to 1987 when I was a boy, then an addict and alcoholic, with my subsequent recovery experience, and search for "Truth". Others are about my more recent experiences around the subjects of death, dying, and transformation, and friends and family having the most challenging of life's experiences. There are also writings derived from my personal involvement with and insight into toxic masculinity, toxic religion, toxic capitalism, and all of their intersections with our leadere. These topics will not be a draw for all people, as such personal and/or cultural toxicities tends to get ignored, overlooked, or "normalized" by those with little time for insight, introspection, or interest in other people's points of view on these troubling issues. There also will be a couple of writings/musings about "GOD", but I try to limit that kind of verbal gymnastics, because it is like chasing a sunbeam with a flashlight. Yes, my books are non-fiction, and are not good reading for anybody seeking to escape and be entertained. Some of the writings are spiritual, philosophical and intellectual in nature, and some descend the depths into the darkest recesses of the human mind. I have included a full cross section of all of my thoughts and feelings. It is a classic "over-share", and I have no shame in doing so. A Master Teacher once spoke to me, and said "no teacher shall effect your salvation, you must work it out for yourself". "Follow new paths of consciousness by letting go of all of the mental concepts and controls of your past". This writing represents my personal work towards that ultimate end.

1 Comment

sharon white · May 16, 2024 at 7:05 AM

Yes, to the uncommon, to the road less travelled,to the mystery to the long and winding road

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