If the doors of perception were cleansed, we would see the world as it is, infinite.— William Blake

Understanding the Fundamental Mechanism of Perception

    In the historic pantheon of human behavior, civilization and the various religions and earth-centered paganism have stood as spirituality’s support pillars. Belief systems and sacred rituals have sculpted societal norms and individual identities. Yet, despite generations of spiritual and religious training and education, humanity collectively continues to fail to grasp the fundamental and often flawed mechanism of human perception that erodes the ground under all such pillars. Whether through our fixed or evolving concepts of who we are, and who or what the rest of the Universe is, all that we see, and will ever see, unto eternity, is our self, whether we consider ourselves conscious, unconscious, or a unique but often chaotic blend of those two stares of awareness.  So if we want to find God, whatever God might be, and if we want to find our real self, we had better completely understand human perception, and how it works for us, and against us.

    The notion that our perception is fundamentally self-reflective is both profound and challenging. It necessitates a shift away from the traditional viewpoint that separates the self from the external world. To understand this concept is to recognize the absolute necessity of broadening our limited vision. We must strive to be more inclusive of the needs of Mother Earth, our animal kingdom, and our international, national, and local neighbors, regardless of their religious, sexual, philosophical, and political beliefs. In fact, the very mechanism of cultivating religious and political belief often acts as a pillory, entrapping the conditioned mind, and limiting its intelligence and curiosity. The compartmentalization of our identities based on these beliefs creates barriers, not just between individuals, but within our own understanding of the Universe.

    The concept of universally loving the world and all its inhabitants is undoubtedly beautiful. It paints a utopian vision where compassion and benevolence dominate human interactions. But this is not merely an idealistic endeavor; expanding our vision and fostering inclusivity are vital for the collective survival and spiritual growth of humanity. The survival of our species and the planet depends on our ability to perceive the interconnectedness of all life. This interconnectedness is not just ecological but also spiritual. It calls for an expanded consciousness that sees beyond the superficial divisions created by our conditioned minds.

    Despite the profundity of spiritual teachings throughout history, humanity continues to struggle with the process of knowing itself, and of perceiving oneself in everything.


    One reason could be the inherent difficulty in transcending the ego. The ego, with its need for identity and separation, resists the idea of oneness. This resistance is further reinforced by societal structures that prioritize individualism over collectivism.

    Another reason could be the fear of the unknown. Expanding our perception to include everything means venturing into uncharted territories of the mind and spirit. It means questioning deeply held beliefs and being open to new ways of understanding the world.

    To evolve consciously, we must challenge traditional perceptions and belief systems. This challenge is not about discarding these systems entirely but about transcending their limitations. It’s about integrating the wisdom of the past with the insights of the present to create a more enlightened future.

    For spiritual seekers, healers, religious leaders, and even politicians, this means adopting a mindset that values inclusivity over exclusivity, curiosity over certainty, and love over fear. It means recognizing that the true essence of perception is not just seeing the world as it is but understanding that the world we see is a reflection of our inner selves.

    Understanding the fundamental mechanism of perception is not just an intellectual exercise; it’s a call to action. It’s an invitation to broaden our vision, to see the self in everything and everyone. It’s a call to foster inclusivity, compassion, and benevolence in our daily lives.

    For those on a spiritual path, this means deepening our practice to include not just personal growth but also the well-being of all life. For religious leaders, it means guiding the communities towards a greater understanding of our interconnectedness. For politicians, it means creating policies that reflect the holistic nature of our existence.

    The task before us is monumental but not insurmountable. By recognizing and understanding the fundamental mechanism of perception, we can transcend the limitations of our conditioned minds and create a world that is more inclusive, compassionate, and enlightened.

    This is not just a spiritual ideal but a practical necessity for the survival and prosperity of humanity. It begins with the willingness to see beyond the self, to perceive the interconnectedness of all life, and to act with empathy and wisdom.

    In this shared vision lies the potential for a future where the boundaries between self and other dissolve, and where the true nature of perception as a reflection of the self is fully realized. .Without this awareness, people continue to operate within the confines of their conditioned perceptions.

    From birth, individuals are conditioned by their surroundings—family, society, religion, and politics. These forces shape perceptions and create biases that are hard to dismantle.

    Dualistic thinking, which separates “self” from “other,” perpetuates conflict and division.  The ego even has the temerity to invent gods to support itself, and then attempt to convince others of the absolute validity of their all so relative, and puny, creation. The ego thrives on the identification with other individual and collective beliefs, which hinders the perception of a unified existence. This identification creates a false sense of separateness, making it difficult to see the interconnectedness of all life.:

    For spiritual seekers yearning to broaden their vision and understanding, here are practical steps to take:

    • Practice Mindfulness and Meditation:

    Daily mindfulness and meditation practices help cultivate self-awareness and dissolve the illusion of separateness.

    Focus on the breath, observe thoughts without judgment, and connect with the present moment.

    • Engage in Self-Inquiry:

    A lack of introspection and self-awareness keeps many from realizing the profound truth that all external experiences are reflections of the inner self.

    Question your beliefs and perceptions. Ask yourself why you hold certain views and examine their origins.

    Explore the teachings of various spiritual traditions to gain different perspectives.

    • Cultivate Compassion and Empathy:

    Practice loving-kindness meditation (Metta) to develop compassion for all beings, including yourself.

    Engage in acts of kindness and service to others, recognizing that their well-being is intertwined with yours.

    • Expand Your Horizons:

    Read books, attend workshops, and participate in discussions that challenge your existing beliefs and expand your understanding.

    Travel and experience different cultures to appreciate the diversity of human experience.

    • Reflect on Nature and the Cosmos:

    Spend time in nature to connect with the larger web of life. Reflect on the interdependence of all living things

    Contemplate the vastness of the cosmos and our place within it to foster a sense of unity and oneness.

    • Collaborative Endeavors

    Engaging in collaborative endeavors that emphasize cooperation over competition can strengthen our sense of unity. Whether in professional settings, community projects, or global initiatives, working together can help dissolve the barriers of individuality and promote collective growth.

    • Spiritual Exploration

    Exploring spiritual philosophies and teachings that emphasize oneness can provide valuable insights and inspiration. Many traditions, from Eastern philosophies to indigenous wisdom, offer profound teachings on the interconnected nature of existence.

    • Conscious Living

    Living consciously means making choices that reflect our recognition of universal oneness. This can include sustainable living, ethical consumption, and practices that honor the interconnectedness of all life forms.

    In the infinite expanse of cosmic consciousness, where the fabric of existence weaves itself into the tapestry of reality, there lies a profound yet simplistically beautiful truth: all that exists is but a reflection of ourselves, whether it is of conscious or unconscious nature. By expanding our vision and fostering inclusivity, empathy, and awareness, we can transcend the limitations of conditioned perceptions and experience the interconnectedness of all life, while making our unconscious perimeters more conscious.

    Now, let us attempt to reach the mental space through a simple meditation where higher consciousness might be experienced.

    A Journey to Higher ConsciousnessThrough a Meditation

    Begin with a deep breath. In through the nose, letting the air fill our lungs completely, and out through our mouths, releasing any tension with it. Close our eyes and allow our minds to drift to a place of pure tranquility.

    Imagine standing at the edge of a vast, unending horizon. The sky above is a rich tapestry of colors—soft pinks and deep purples blending into the calm blue of twilight. The land stretches out before us, a serene expanse that invites us to explore its endless possibilities. There are no boundaries here, only the promise of the unknown and the freedom to discover.

    In the background, gentle waves lap against the shore, their rhythmic sound like a soothing lullaby. Or perhaps we hear the soft hum of a distant forest, where leaves rustle and birds sing their evening songs. These sounds envelop us, creating a cocoon of serenity that blocks out the chaos of the outside world.

    Breathe in deeply and notice the subtle fragrance of fresh rain, its scent earthy and rejuvenating. Alternatively, imagine the crisp, clean scent of mountain air, tinged with the faint aroma of pine. These scents fill our senses, grounding us in this moment of peace and clarity.

    Feel the gentle warmth of the nurturing sun on our skin. It’s as if each ray of light carries with it a message of care and comfort, wrapping us in a blanket of calm. 

    Here, in this space, time stands still. You are free from the demands of your daily life, free to simply be. A sense of profound calm washes over you, leaving nothing but tranquility in its wake. You feel a deep connection to the beauty and vastness around you, as if you are part of something greater, something eternal.

    Wonder and awe fill our heart as we take in the perfection of your surroundings. Each moment is infused with a gentle joy, a reminder of the simple pleasures that life offers. Our mind feels open and clear, ready to receive whatever insights or inspirations come our way.

    In this heightened state of consciousness, we realize a profound truth: within each of us lies a space of peace and clarity, always accessible, even amidst life’s chaos. It’s a sanctuary we can return to whenever we need a moment of tranquility and connection to something greater than ourselves.

    This journey has shown you that these moments of higher consciousness are not just possible, but essential. They are the keys to navigating life’s complexities with grace and wisdom. Cherish these moments, seek them out, and allow them to guide you on your path.

    Open your eyes now, carrying this sense of peace and clarity with you. Remember that this space within you is always there, waiting for you to return. And know that by taking these conscious journeys, you are nurturing your soul and aligning yourself with the greater flow of life.

    Feel inspired, feel connected, and most importantly, feel at peace.

    Now, let us attempt to reach the mental space where the highest consciousness reigns supreme.

    The Illusory Nature of “You”: Exploring Universal Oneness

    In our relentless quest for understanding, we often find ourselves entangled in the web of individuality. We identify with our names, our roles, our beliefs, and our bodies. Yet, what if the very concept of “you” is an illusion? What if the separation we perceive between “I” and “you” is merely a trick of perception, concealing a deeper, universal truth?

    The conventional notion of individuality suggests that each person is a distinct entity, separate from others and the universe. This perspective is deeply ingrained in our culture, our language, and our thoughts. However, this view may be limiting our understanding of our true nature.

    In the absolute sense, everything witnessed in this universe is an extension of one fundamental unifying energy. This energy permeates all existence, transcending the boundaries of individual entities. When we look deeply into the concept of “you,” we begin to see its illusory nature. The separation between “you” and “I” dissolves, revealing a profound interconnectedness.

    Universal oneness posits that we are all part of a single, unified existence. This perspective challenges the conventional notion of separateness and invites us to recognize the shared essence of all beings and the universe. By shifting our perspective from individuality to interconnectedness, we can begin to see the world through a lens of unity and harmony.

    Recognizing the illusion of separateness and aligning with the concept of universal oneness can transform our lives and communities. By aligning with the concept of universal oneness, we can foster peace, empathy, and cooperation in our lives and communities. This shift in perspective encourages us to move beyond the limitations of the ego and recognize our shared essence. It invites us to create a world where mutual understanding and collaboration are the norm, rather than the exception.

    The journey to understanding the illusory nature of “you” and embracing universal oneness is both profound and transformative. It challenges us to look beyond the superficial distinctions that seem to define us and recognize the fundamental unity that connects all existence.

    I am dedicated to facilitating this shift in perspective. I believe in the power of interconnectedness to bring about positive change in individuals and communities. Join me as I explore the depths of our shared essence and work together to create a more harmonious and compassionate world.

    Through introspection, empathy, and conscious living, we can align with this new worldview and experience the profound truth of our interconnected existence. Let’s challenge the conventional notion of individuality and embrace the universal oneness that is the foundation of true understanding.

    The Role of Mystics in a Fragmented World

    In an age where the cacophony of division drowns the whispers of unity, the role of mystics and the essence of mysticism have never been more pertinent. These sentinel souls serve as beacons, illuminating paths towards personal and societal transformation. Their existence poses a profound question: can spiritual work hold intrinsic value in a world seemingly bent on its own ego-driven destruction?

    Mystics have historically been the torchbearers of higher consciousness, transcending mundane existence to touch the divine. In today’s world, their role extends beyond personal enlightenment. They emerge as guides who can shepherd society through its labyrinthine trials, offering wisdom that goes beyond the superficial.

    The teachings of mystics emphasize a return to fundamental truths—compassion, empathy, and unity. These principles serve as antidotes to the rampant individualism and divisiveness that plague our civilization. Mystics encourage us to look beyond the illusion of separation, to recognize the interconnectedness of all beings. Their guidance offers a roadmap for navigating the chaos, helping us to foster a more cohesive and compassionate society.

    In the realm of spiritual evolution, the concept of skin encapsulated egos and “leaky boundaries” emerges as a fascinating phenomenon. It refers to the permeability between the self and the collective, between the material and the spiritual. This blurring of lines enables an enhanced capacity for empathy and social cohesion, crucial for healing a fragmented world.

    Leaky boundaries allow us to transcend rigid biological and familial identifications and their egoic constructs. They enable us to resonate with the experiences of others, including members of the animal species, to feel their joys and sorrows as our own. This profound empathy can serve as the glue that binds society and heals Mother Nature, mending the fractures caused by divisive narratives. It is through such spiritual permeability that we can begin to dismantle the walls of separation and build bridges of understanding.

    In a world dominated by self-interest and destructive behavior, the act of doing spiritual work might seem futile. Yet, it is precisely in such times that the value of promoting compassion, understanding, and unity becomes paramount. Spiritual work is an act of resistance against the forces of ego and destruction. It is a declaration that another way is possible—a way rooted in love and mutual respect.

    Promoting spiritual values amidst chaos is not an exercise in naivety; it is an act of profound courage. It requires us to stand firm in the face of cynicism and despair, to uphold the belief that goodness can prevail. Spiritual work serves as a counterbalance to the negative forces, providing a source of light in the darkness. It is a reminder that true power lies not in domination, but in the ability to uplift and inspire.

    Mysticism and spiritual practices offer alternative paths to growth and enlightenment, countering the destructive forces prevalent in contemporary society. These practices invite us to explore the depths of our being, to seek wisdom beyond the tangible. They challenge us to question our assumptions, to step outside the confines of conventional thinking.

    By engaging in spiritual practices, we cultivate a sense of inner peace and resilience. This inner strength becomes a foundation upon which we can build a more harmonious world. Spiritual practices encourage us to look beyond the immediate, to consider the long-term implications of our actions. They remind us that true growth is not linear, but cyclical, requiring moments of introspection and renewal.

    In a world increasingly polarized by ego and division, the role of mystics and the practice of mysticism hold significant relevance. These spiritual guides offer us a vision of what could be—a world where compassion, empathy, and unity are the guiding principles. The concept of “leaky boundaries” challenges us to transcend our individualistic tendencies and to feel deeply for the collective. Spiritual work, despite the seeming futility in the face of widespread destruction, holds intrinsic value. It is an act of defiance against the forces of negativity, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.

    For those who seek deeper understanding and transformation, mysticism offers a path less traveled but profoundly rewarding. It calls for a commitment to inner growth and a dedication to fostering a more connected and compassionate world. This is the ultimate value of doing good spiritual work—it not only transforms the self but has the potential to heal and elevate the collective.

    In these uncertain times, may we heed the wisdom of the mystics and walk the path of spiritual growth, for it is on this path that we can find the light to guide us through the darkness.

    A Mystic’s Perspective on Leadership and Deceit: Understanding the Trump Phenomenon

    In a world rife with complexity, a mystic or cosmic consciousness imbued person brings a unique lens to interpreting human behavior and societal dynamics. This perspective, rooted in deep spiritual awareness and interconnectedness with the universe, transcends the conventional boundaries of ordinary perception. Mystics and thosec living a life embued with cosmic consciousness emphasize unity, transcendence, and the continuous evolution of consciousness. Through this lens, behaviors that might seem contradictory or harmful on the surface can often be viewed as part of a larger, more intricate tapestry of human evolution and collective awakening.

    Donald Trump, a figure who has undeniably left an indelible mark on modern political discourse, is often characterized by certain traits. His leadership style has been widely described as one involving lying, deceit, manipulation, and fostering collective cognitive dissonance. These observations stem from his interactions with the media and the general public, as well as his approaches to his business empire, governance and communication.

    1. Lying – Fact-checkers and media outlets have documented numerous instances where Trump has made false or misleading statements.
    2. Deceit – The use of misinformation to fuel particular narratives or achieve political ends has been a recurring theme.
    3. Manipulation – Steering public opinion and leveraging emotional triggers to garner support demonstrates manipulation tactics.
    4. Collective Cognitive Dissonance – By presenting conflicting information or shifting narratives, he has created an environment where holding consistent beliefs becomes challenging for the public.

    I am often captured by a higher vision for life, and for all people that I witness and experience.  The greatest present day challenge to me and my awareness is the Donald Trump phenomenon, and the predominantly unconscious adoring masses now being swept up in his web of lies, deceit, obsfucation, and the potential destruction of democracy’s values and structures.  Yet, from the vantage point of a mystic or cosmic consciousness imbued individual, such behaviors take on a different hue. Rather than merely condemning these actions, they might be seen as manifestations of a deeper, underlying process.

    A mystic might interpret Trump’s actions as catalysts for collective awakening. By challenging the status quo and exposing the existing fractures within societal structures, Trump’s leadership style forces individuals and communities to confront uncomfortable truths. This confrontation can serve as a trigger for introspection and transformation, pushing society towards greater awareness and eventual healing, though there may be a lot of collateral damage and wounding of innocents in this culturally divisive, disfiguring process.

    Similarly, deceit and manipulation, while seemingly negative, can be viewed as necessary elements in the grand scheme of human evolution. These behaviors compel people to question their reality, seek deeper truths, and ultimately elevate their consciousness. In this light, Trump’s controversial leadership could be seen as a necessary evil that accelerates the process of societal transformation.

    This mystical perspective invites us to rethink our understanding of leadership, truth, and consciousness evolution within society.

    Traditional views of leadership often emphasize integrity, honesty, and consistency. However, the mystic’s perspective suggests that even leaders who embody deceit and manipulation can play crucial roles in the broader evolutionary process. These leaders challenge us to discern truth from falsehood and inspire us to seek more authentic forms of leadership.

    In a world where manipulation and deceit are prevalent, the quest for truth becomes paramount. Mystics advocate for inner truth-seeking, encouraging individuals to look beyond external narratives and connect with their inner wisdom. This approach fosters a more resilient and discerning populace, capable of navigating complex social dynamics.

    The mystic’s view underscores the idea that all experiences, even those that seem negative or harmful, contribute to the evolution of consciousness. By confronting and overcoming challenges posed by deceptive leadership, society as a whole can grow, learn, and ascend to higher levels of awareness.

    In today’s polarized world, it is crucial to integrate diverse perspectives into a broader, more inclusive dialogue on leadership and social change. Recognizing the value of different viewpoints fosters empathy, understanding, and collaboration. By acknowledging the mystic’s perspective, we can enrich our conversations about leadership, truth, and the evolution of consciousness, ultimately paving the way for a more harmonious and enlightened society.

    The mystic’s perspective on a Donald Trump-style personality provides a nuanced and thought-provoking view on leadership and societal dynamics. By seeing these behaviors as catalysts for collective awakening and transformation, we can deepen our understanding of the intricate processes shaping our world. As we move forward, integrating these diverse perspectives will be essential in fostering a more inclusive, empathetic, and enlightened dialogue on leadership and social change.

    Let all of us engage with thought leaders, spiritual seekers, and conscious consumers to create a more inclusive and enlightened society. Lets share our insights and experiences, and let’s work together to elevate our collective consciousness.


    Presently, I am 67 years old, and I am learning how to live the life of a retired person. I am married to Sharon White, a retired hospice nurse, and writer. Whose Death Is It Anyway-A Hospice Nurse Remembers Sharon is a wonderful friend and life partner of nearly 30 years. We have three grandsons through two of Sharon's children. I am not a published writer or poet. My writings are part of my new life in retirement. I have recently created a blog, and I began filling it up with my writings on matters of recovery and spirituality. I saw that my blog contained enough material for a book, so that is now my new intention, to publish a book, if only so that my grandsons can get to know who their grandfather really was, once I am gone. The title for my first book will be: Penetrating The Conspiracy Of Silence, or, How I Lived Beyond My Expiration Date I have since written 7 more books, all of which are now posted on this site. I have no plans to publish any of them, as their material is not of general interest, and would not generate enough income to justify costs. I have taken a deep look at life, and written extensively about it from a unique and rarely communicated perspective. Some of my writing is from 2016 on to the present moment. Other writing covers the time prior to 1987 when I was a boy, then an addict and alcoholic, with my subsequent recovery experience, and search for "Truth". Others are about my more recent experiences around the subjects of death, dying, and transformation, and friends and family having the most challenging of life's experiences. There are also writings derived from my personal involvement with and insight into toxic masculinity, toxic religion, toxic capitalism, and all of their intersections with our leadere. These topics will not be a draw for all people, as such personal and/or cultural toxicities tends to get ignored, overlooked, or "normalized" by those with little time for insight, introspection, or interest in other people's points of view on these troubling issues. There also will be a couple of writings/musings about "GOD", but I try to limit that kind of verbal gymnastics, because it is like chasing a sunbeam with a flashlight. Yes, my books are non-fiction, and are not good reading for anybody seeking to escape and be entertained. Some of the writings are spiritual, philosophical and intellectual in nature, and some descend the depths into the darkest recesses of the human mind. I have included a full cross section of all of my thoughts and feelings. It is a classic "over-share", and I have no shame in doing so. A Master Teacher once spoke to me, and said "no teacher shall effect your salvation, you must work it out for yourself". "Follow new paths of consciousness by letting go of all of the mental concepts and controls of your past". This writing represents my personal work towards that ultimate end.