If we don’t speak Truth to corrupted power, this is the end result.

This is my commentary on truth, and the falsehoods springing up around covid-19.

There is a continuation of corrosive divisiveness and contrariness of many citizens within our population. There is a bizarre perception that if the facts are disputed enough, then they are no longer real, and we can then substitute what we wish to be real in their place. This is called magical, or fantasy, thinking. This is how President Trump has triumphed over the years, by getting the overly politicized, the undereducated and some normally rational people to start doubting what really is real, and allowing a powerful figure, such as Trump, to substitute his own convoluted version in its place within the susceptible mind. Thus, is hypnotism and manipulation, born and maintained in an increasing divisive world, and the perfect world for corrupt leaders to thrive within.

Everybody has a point of view on almost anything that interests them. If an issue truly interests them, they study it, and find as many facts as are available. If it is understanding how to build an airplane, we certainly do not look within medical journals for our answers. If it is understanding how to prepare better, more nutritious meals, we certainly do not grab a bible and see what recipes are in there.

If it is understanding how to prepare for a pandemic, we certainly do not watch tv personalities or manipulative Presidents who promote misleading or false statements about that which they do not understand. Yes, we seek experts, and we tend to trust them, as long as their knowledge has not become “politicized”, and used for self-serving or self-aggrandizing purposes. We might dig a little deeper, and see if there are any other historical precedents to help in our search for the truth. But the key is to access as many available information sources as possible, and expose them all to our internal bullshit detectors.

Dump that dumping Trump! The man that trusts his gut over science and reason, needs to remember that he has 20 feet of stool in his constipated bowels, and we do not trust divinations based on his sh.t! If he just trusts his gut, he has shit for brains. SCIENCE WILL EVENTUALLY WIN, while Putin’s puppet Trump takes a well deserved fall in the fall.

We have a President who trusts his gut more than he does scientific reason and mathematical statistical probabilities. He has a need to be the last world on everything, so you know that, in the end, the last word is likely to reek of his constipated, uncleaned bowels. That is why most intelligent, rational human beings have bullshit detectors that are constantly ringing, every time this hypnotist and liar speaks.

Never take medical advice from a man who would stare at a solar eclipse—Hilary Clinton

It is OK to have a point of view on the COVID-19 pandemic. But make sure that it is a well-informed point of view, and not just the result of someone’s conspiracy theory who has an axe to grind with the truth. This is a dangerous pandemic. The aware, intelligent, and even medically and scientifically trained among us knows that. The responsibility of the aware is to know the probabilities, and weigh and measure appropriate responses to mitigate future hazardous activity.

Yet conspiracy theories continue to sprout up like poisonous weeds, usually promoted by angry crackpots and those trying to cover their own mistakes in reason and in action. There is so much at stake within our world right now, with power and money hungry politicians and capitalists attempting to seize the day, and promote and foist their twisted values upon the rest of the population. We see it on daily TV, with pop-culture doctors spreading lies and disinformation. We see it with protestors who are clamoring for their right to die in freedom and not under the house quarantine that the socially responsible of our society are now adhering to. Wow, we get to witness those clamoring for self-imposed late, late term abortions! Those that take their guns to mass protests against our pandemic response show how poorly their reason functions in the face of threats they do not have the intelligence to understand. We see it with a President who fears for his political future, because of his own malfeasance and incompetence in preparing for and executing a sound pandemic response.

And you thought that people could not be this stupid? Wow, let’s take a gun to a pandemic!
Oh, masked marauders, your bullets do not stand a chance against a virus. The gene pool of those who believe covid-19 is an overblown hoax is about to get chlorinated. Late, late term abortions apparently are not illegal, if they are acts of “free will” by those not yet birthed into intelligence and good reasoning.

Merely by his presence, Donald Trump can be an extremely dangerous diversion from the truth.

Doctors and health experts urged people not to drink or inject disinfectant on Friday after U.S. President Donald Trump suggested scientists should investigate inserting the cleaning agent into the body as a way to cure COVID-19.

“(This is an) absolutely dangerous crazy suggestion,” said Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at Britain’s University of East Anglia.

“You may not die of COVID-19 after injecting disinfectant, but only because you may already be dead from the injection.”

Trump said at his daily media briefing on Thursday, April 23 that scientists should explore whether inserting light or disinfectant into the bodies of people infected with the new coronavirus might help them clear the disease. Trump is just plain off of the rails, and, potentially, so is our country as a direct result of his incompetence and stupidity.

Truth can be difficult to ascertain, and we should never rely upon just one or two sources. A mind untethered to pseudo-science, radicalized political and religious affiliations, or any other prevailing hypnotic suggestions of the day, or short term solutions to long term problems is free to explore, and may be the most receptive and responsive to whatever the next moment reveals. This openness brings the truth to ones doorstep. When enough truth seekers, and finders, gather together in unity, then we as a collective can find solutions relevant to all individuals within that society.

Information is power, and never should be considered as a source for fear, unless it has already been spun into a web of corruption, hypnotism, and deception. Watch out for those who start with a questionable conclusion, support it with unsubstantiated opinions or “alternate reality facts” of Fox News or other questionable news services and their so-called “experts” or pseudo-scientists. These rabbit holes are created for a reason, to trap the unsuspecting, and keep them from embracing a truth that is threatening to those whose lives and positions are built upon false pretenses. A country held together by the truth cannot be divided into chaos and revolution. Yet, without chaos and revolution, the status quo cannot be challenged and defeated, even if the status quo is standing on a superior moral and ethical ground. This is why alternate reality facts have been introduced into our society, so that we may be divided, and conquered, by those with the darkest of intentions.

Be aware.

Categories: Musings


Presently, I am 67 years old, and I am learning how to live the life of a retired person. I am married to Sharon White, a retired hospice nurse, and writer. Whose Death Is It Anyway-A Hospice Nurse Remembers Sharon is a wonderful friend and life partner of nearly 30 years. We have three grandsons through two of Sharon's children. I am not a published writer or poet. My writings are part of my new life in retirement. I have recently created a blog, and I began filling it up with my writings on matters of recovery and spirituality. I saw that my blog contained enough material for a book, so that is now my new intention, to publish a book, if only so that my grandsons can get to know who their grandfather really was, once I am gone. The title for my first book will be: Penetrating The Conspiracy Of Silence, or, How I Lived Beyond My Expiration Date I have since written 7 more books, all of which are now posted on this site. I have no plans to publish any of them, as their material is not of general interest, and would not generate enough income to justify costs. I have taken a deep look at life, and written extensively about it from a unique and rarely communicated perspective. Some of my writing is from 2016 on to the present moment. Other writing covers the time prior to 1987 when I was a boy, then an addict and alcoholic, with my subsequent recovery experience, and search for "Truth". Others are about my more recent experiences around the subjects of death, dying, and transformation, and friends and family having the most challenging of life's experiences. There are also writings derived from my personal involvement with and insight into toxic masculinity, toxic religion, toxic capitalism, and all of their intersections with our leadere. These topics will not be a draw for all people, as such personal and/or cultural toxicities tends to get ignored, overlooked, or "normalized" by those with little time for insight, introspection, or interest in other people's points of view on these troubling issues. There also will be a couple of writings/musings about "GOD", but I try to limit that kind of verbal gymnastics, because it is like chasing a sunbeam with a flashlight. Yes, my books are non-fiction, and are not good reading for anybody seeking to escape and be entertained. Some of the writings are spiritual, philosophical and intellectual in nature, and some descend the depths into the darkest recesses of the human mind. I have included a full cross section of all of my thoughts and feelings. It is a classic "over-share", and I have no shame in doing so. A Master Teacher once spoke to me, and said "no teacher shall effect your salvation, you must work it out for yourself". "Follow new paths of consciousness by letting go of all of the mental concepts and controls of your past". This writing represents my personal work towards that ultimate end.