More excerpts from my book:

An Electrician’s Guide To Our Galaxy:

The Value of Thoughts in the Path to Enlightenment

In the realm of spiritual teachings, certain voices advocate for the notion that our thoughts hold little to no value, and that our very sense of self is ultimately an illusion. These teachings can be alluring, perhaps offering a sense of liberation from the incessant chatter of the mind and the burdensome ego. However, dismissing our thoughts and self entirely is akin to “throwing the baby out with the bathwater.” Our thoughts, repetitive and cyclical though they may be, possess immense value. They serve as both our guides and our mirrors, reflecting our inner world and pointing the way toward growth and enlightenment.

To completely negate the value of our thoughts or self is to disregard a fundamental aspect of our human experience. Thoughts are the threads that weave the tapestry of our lives, creating meaning and guiding actions. They are the vehicles through which insight and personal growth manifest. While it is true that thoughts can become ensnared in patterns of negativity or limitation, they also have the capacity to evolve and inspire. Through our innate ability for insight, we can recognize these limitations and welcome new, more constructive thoughts.

Insight is the key to transcending repetitive and limiting thought patterns. It allows us to see beyond the surface of our thoughts and understand their underlying motives and origins. This process is not about dismissing thoughts but transforming them. By acknowledging the present limitations of our thoughts, we open ourselves to new energy and inspiration, which in turn fosters personal growth and spiritual development.

A crucial, yet often overlooked, aspect of spiritual enlightenment is the necessity of mental health and self-esteem. A broken spirit cannot soar, and a shattered mind cannot comprehend the vastness of enlightenment. For individuals struggling with mental illness, the notion of a world without thoughts or self is not just impractical—it is unfathomable. Even those who are mentally healthy may find it challenging to grasp the concept of enlightenment through the rejection of all thoughts and the dissolution of the self.

To achieve true spiritual enlightenment, it is essential to support and nurture mental health and self-esteem. This foundation allows individuals to engage with spiritual teachings from a place of strength and stability, rather than confusion and fragility.

The idea of rejecting the self and thoughts to achieve enlightenment has profound practical and ethical implications. On a practical level, it is nearly impossible to function in the world without engaging in thought. Thoughts are necessary for decision-making, problem-solving, and interpersonal communication. Ethically, telling someone to abandon their thoughts or sense of self can be dangerous, particularly for those who are already vulnerable.

It is important to remember that spiritual teachings should empower, not diminish. They should offer tools for navigating life’s challenges, not promote escapism or denial. A balanced perspective recognizes the wisdom in detachment and the illusion of self, while also honoring the practical necessity and intrinsic value of thoughts and personal identity.

True enlightenment does not come from the wholesale rejection of thoughts and self, but from a harmonious integration of spiritual wisdom and personal empowerment. This balanced approach acknowledges the limitations of the ego and thought patterns while celebrating the potential for growth and transformation.

By fostering a healthy self-esteem and supporting mental well-being, we create a sturdy foundation upon which spiritual enlightenment can flourish. This approach does not diminish the significance of spiritual teachings but rather enhances their applicability and accessibility to a broader audience.

While spiritual teachings that advocate for the detachment from thoughts and the dissolution of the self may hold a certain allure, it is essential to recognize the immense value of our thoughts and personal identity. Insight and personal growth enable us to transcend limiting patterns, while a strong foundation of mental health and self-esteem is crucial for true spiritual enlightenment.

For those on the path of self-discovery and spiritual growth, it is important to strike a balance between the wisdom of spiritual teachings and the need for personal empowerment. By doing so, we can navigate the complexities of the human experience with grace and clarity, ultimately achieving a more profound and authentic enlightenment.

The Healing Power of Meditation and the Infinite Way Mystical Path

Imagine a moment in your life when all your emotional turmoil dissipates like mist under the morning sun. This is exactly what happened to me after a profound experience with Marie Schmidt, a teacher from the Infinite Way mystical path. During a healing meditation session that lasted a mere 15 minutes, I experienced a transformation so profound that it felt as though a spiritual breeze swept through my mind and heart, alleviating my emotional burdens. This encounter left me with an enduring sense of peace and a deeper understanding of self-esteem and spiritual transcendence.

The Infinite Way mystical path, pioneered by Joel S. Goldsmith, focuses on the transcendence of human illusions and the realization of our inherent spiritual perfection. According to this philosophy, all that is human is but an illusion masking a deeper, more perfect reality. This path encourages seekers to look beyond surface-level experiences and thoughts to discover the divine essence within.

During my session with Marie Schmidt, I realized how meditation can serve as a gateway to profound emotional and spiritual healing. This 15-minute meditation was not just a practice of quieting the mind, but an invitation to connect with a deeper reality. It facilitated a significant shift in my emotional state, allowing me to see beyond my self-imposed limitations and illusions.

How the Meditation Worked

  1. Preparation:
    • Engage with other spiritual seekers. Sharing experiences and learning from one another can provide support and deepen your practice.
      • Spend a few moments in silent reflection, feeling the presence of peace and tranquility within you.
      • When ready, slowly open your eyes and take a few deep breaths before resuming your day.
        • Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.
        • Sit in a relaxed position, ensuring your spine is straight.
        1. Breath Awareness:
        • Begin by focusing on your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand. Exhale slowly through your mouth.
        • Continue this breathing pattern, allowing your body to relax with each exhale.
        1. Guided Visualization:
        • Imagine a warm, healing light entering your body with each inhalation. This light represents divine love and wisdom.
        • With each exhale, imagine releasing any negative thoughts or emotions.
        1. Affirmations:
        • Repeat affirmations silently or aloud, such as “I am more perfect than I know” and “All that is human is illusion.”
        • Allow these affirmations to sink deeply into your consciousness.
        1. Reflection:

      Marie Schmidt’s teachings emphasize the idea that our thoughts are often deceptive, leading us away from our true spiritual nature. She taught me that “all that is human is illusion” and that striving for a state of perfection is futile because, inherently, we are already perfect. This wisdom has profound implications for self-esteem. By recognizing that our worth is intrinsic and not determined by external circumstances or thoughts, we can transcend the illusions that cause emotional suffering.

      To integrate healing meditations into your daily practice, consider the following steps:

      1. Set a Routine:
      • Dedicate a specific time each day for meditation. Consistency is key to experiencing the full benefits.
      1. Create a Sacred Space:
      • Designate a quiet area in your home for meditation. Enhance this space with elements that inspire peace, such as candles, crystals, or calming music.
      1. Use Guided Meditations:
      • If you’re new to meditation, guided sessions can be incredibly helpful. Look for resources that align with the Infinite Way teachings.
      1. Journal Your Experiences:
      • After each meditation, jot down any insights or feelings that arise. This practice can help solidify your progress and provide clarity on your spiritual journey.
      1. Connect with a Community:

    The path to spiritual growth and emotional well-being is a deeply personal and rewarding journey. By exploring the Infinite Way or other mystical paths and engaging in regular healing meditations, you can uncover layers of self-awareness and inner peace. I encourage you to take the first step by integrating these practices into your daily life. If you’re curious to learn more, consider booking a session with a guide or teacher from the Infinite Way. May your journey towards self-discovery and transcendence be filled with light and love.

If this exploration resonates with you, I invite you to continue the conversation and share your thoughts. After all, it is through the exchange of ideas that we grow and evolve.


Presently, I am 67 years old, and I am learning how to live the life of a retired person. I am married to Sharon White, a retired hospice nurse, and writer. Whose Death Is It Anyway-A Hospice Nurse Remembers Sharon is a wonderful friend and life partner of nearly 30 years. We have three grandsons through two of Sharon's children. I am not a published writer or poet. My writings are part of my new life in retirement. I have recently created a blog, and I began filling it up with my writings on matters of recovery and spirituality. I saw that my blog contained enough material for a book, so that is now my new intention, to publish a book, if only so that my grandsons can get to know who their grandfather really was, once I am gone. The title for my first book will be: Penetrating The Conspiracy Of Silence, or, How I Lived Beyond My Expiration Date I have since written 7 more books, all of which are now posted on this site. I have no plans to publish any of them, as their material is not of general interest, and would not generate enough income to justify costs. I have taken a deep look at life, and written extensively about it from a unique and rarely communicated perspective. Some of my writing is from 2016 on to the present moment. Other writing covers the time prior to 1987 when I was a boy, then an addict and alcoholic, with my subsequent recovery experience, and search for "Truth". Others are about my more recent experiences around the subjects of death, dying, and transformation, and friends and family having the most challenging of life's experiences. There are also writings derived from my personal involvement with and insight into toxic masculinity, toxic religion, toxic capitalism, and all of their intersections with our leadere. These topics will not be a draw for all people, as such personal and/or cultural toxicities tends to get ignored, overlooked, or "normalized" by those with little time for insight, introspection, or interest in other people's points of view on these troubling issues. There also will be a couple of writings/musings about "GOD", but I try to limit that kind of verbal gymnastics, because it is like chasing a sunbeam with a flashlight. Yes, my books are non-fiction, and are not good reading for anybody seeking to escape and be entertained. Some of the writings are spiritual, philosophical and intellectual in nature, and some descend the depths into the darkest recesses of the human mind. I have included a full cross section of all of my thoughts and feelings. It is a classic "over-share", and I have no shame in doing so. A Master Teacher once spoke to me, and said "no teacher shall effect your salvation, you must work it out for yourself". "Follow new paths of consciousness by letting go of all of the mental concepts and controls of your past". This writing represents my personal work towards that ultimate end.