These photographs are from a Tokyo inner city meditative garden. I purposely placed the beauty of nature against the background of Japan’s finest building technology and engineering. Our technology will always be with us, yet, so too must our appreciation for the infinite gifts of Nature, that Mother Earth provides for our existence. Without respect, care, and love for Nature, what an empty existence life becomes, as our technology and corrupted politics and toxic elements of our Christian religion attempts to become our only truth.
The Master Gardener knows which seeds to plant, how to nurture healthy growth, and when to prune those wayward and rotting branches. So too must the earnest seekers of life’s most sacred, precious gift plant new seeds for thoughts and attitudes, nurture their growth, and prune their own hatèful or indifferent attitudes until only Love remains
We might consider working more frequently on our own “tree of life”, lest we grow in uncontrolled, ignorant, and even evil dimensions and directions outside of our heart’s healthiest intentions.
Would our healed hearts really support the agenda of Donald Trump, who is this millennium’s version of the anti-Christ? His anti-environment agenda alone should be enough to give any rational, earth respecting human being cause for greatest concern.
Listen closely, for the noise from most of our ideologies, which are engineered from the ancient technologies of hate and indifference from unhealed pasts may deafen us to the sounds of the Sacred Now, where the truth eternally resides.
Come election time, we have some serious pruning to do, America, before Trump rot destroys our national tree of life.
Please, let us save our self, honor our true nature, and save our world.
Let’s prune that Trump tree down to a stump, cut off and dispose of that rotten Steve Miller and Sarah Huckabee branches, then put love’s holy stump grinder to work, returning Trump and company to the “bark” dust they always were.