This is only an exercise in writing for me, and I may as well be posting this to my bathroom wall, but I am back from vacation, so in the interests of personal consistency, and in speaking my truth, it is time for me to present some political and social rhetoric. If we as a culture, and me as an individual, don’t speak out, and affirm to ourselves, and to others, what the truth really is to us, then eventually the hypnosis and propaganda of others may become our own collective reality, and continue to overtly influence our personal integrity, community relationships and overall spirituality.
The historical legacy of the American white man’s evil, and his support network of unconscious, disempowered, fearful and/or cowardly family and community members, continues even up till today. And, women remain the number one oppressed group of humanity, though the blacks, native American Indians, and other racial and ethnic groups have not escaped the grasp of white male privilege, masquerading as American Christianity inspired Capitalism, as well. Make America Great Again? Normalize that which should never have been acceptable? Get real, and start healing, America. Greatness only comes after we, as a society, face our collective darkness, acknowledge its damaging impacts on others, makes amends to ALL we have harmed, and find integrity, and stay on a more humane path in the future.
Over the past many years, the countless people who have pointed out the ills of society, and/or of the powerful individuals within that society, are rarely held in high esteem by others unwilling or incapable of making a similar sort of statement. They can end up being pilloried, imprisoned in jails, having their homes firebombed, their reputations impugned in the newspapers (or now, on Facebook or other media forums), or judged against, ignored or shunned. That is similar to the fate of many “prophets” over the preceding thousands of years, who were often regarded as insane, as well.
I have no problem pointing out the ills of society, or the ills of the unconscious, sick people within that society that stubbornly hold onto worn out ideas for how to live. When I witness the injustice, inequality, and diseases of the minds of those entrenched people in positions of power and influence, I get really warmed up. My internal fire burns hot, and brightly, and will not be put out until my life’s work has been completed. I no longer have any problem speaking truth to power, in whatever form that “power” may now appear, including some of the supposedly “enlightened” among us.
What gets you all fired up, what is your life’s work, and does your own internal fire continue to burn brightly for you? Are you too tired to face the truth about your own life, or the life that you share with the rest of humanity? If your pilot light is on, but the settings are on low, I will supply a little of my own gas to throw onto the collective fire. Our fires burn brightest when they can burn together in the night.
If enough people do rise up and rebel against the prevailing order (disorder) of the day, dramatic and positive change can be made. This is, in fact, how all evolutionary change is to be successfully made in a diseased, structured society like our own.
WHO WILL SAVE THE SOUL OF AMERICA? (certainly not Trump or Kavanaugh)
There are those who claim to be “religious”, who want to save the unborn baby, while supporting the destruction of the Soul of America. The deadly, ugly truth about the state of the Republican party, some cults of Christian religious thought, and American politics in general, is on full display to the world. Our collective ignorance and stupidity makes us the laughing stock of major parts of the world, and brings shame and disgust to the thoughtful and sensitive people of our own country..
Trump Related Extreme Anxiety Strikes Our Nation, or TREASON, for short.
Normalizing criminal and indecent behavior is how Trump got elected, and how Kavanaugh will be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice. The political party which once touted family values is being exposed for the moral and ethical corruption and bankruptcy that now permeates it. “Winning” is more important than good conscience, public condemnation of criminal and corrupt practices by those within their own tribe, and cooperation with honest communication with all others.
Trump Erodes Rationality, Rhyme Or Reason In Susceptible Thinkers, or TERRORIST, for short
It is, at times, criminally inspired immorally motivated, and indecent, this United States of Hypnotic Suggestion, Propaganda, and Chaos that we now live in. Hang on, real America, we are in for quite a bumpy ride far into the future. Welcome to the “new normal”, where zealots, criminals, idiots, insane people, “white male privilege” and politicians try to continue to define what “reality” should be for everybody, including all others unlike themselves.
Deceiver In Chief Knows He’s Evil And Divisive, or DICKHEAD, for short.
There is a TREASONOUS, TRAITOR, AND DICKHEAD running our country right now, with nearly half of the country following lockstep in his corrupt path
Where do you stand on this issue?
What happens when the blind lead the blind? That ditch is coming up REALLY FAST, and the only thing left to break the fall is the lives of all of the others who have previously fallen into the ditch.
Quite a vision, isn’t it?.
It is time to change direction, and walk towards sanity, compassion, and intelligence, which has its own vision and light
Who will save the soul of America? Salvation will not come from the toxic men, and their supporting women, or the toxic religions that plague our society, or from the white man of the greatest wealth or privilege, that is for sure.
Please, save yourself.
And then, SPEAK UP!
Great job, Christine Blasey Ford.
Shame on you all, to the majority of the Republican committee members. What a national disgrace.