Resolutions are the music playing in the background while I go about the business of living my life fully, with global awareness, spirituality, integrity, and good physical health.

Resolution Number 10
I commit to running a 10K race (6.2 miles) this year. I commit to running the race for fun and social connection ONLY, and I will leave my competitive shoes at home..

Resolution Number 9
I commit to co-creating more joy, fun, and love in my relationships with all others. I commit to letting go of all expectations of others to conform to any of my paradigms, while reserving the right to suspend, or terminate, relationships that bring needless suffering to self or other.

Resolution Number 8
I commit to fearlessly challenge all assumptions that lead to depression, drug addiction, suicide, and other self-defeating beliefs and behavior. I commit to exposing the bedrock of lies that much of our collective consciousness and religious misunderstanding is based upon, the lies that tell us that we are not worthy of love and acceptance by others, and/or that we have no value other than remaining the unconscious minions of those in positions of power who have been spiritually disfigured by their monetization of humanity. I commit to transcending all forces that lead to an untimely death through “white middle-class male despair syndrome”. Freedom and intrinsic human value are not goals to forever pursue, as they are part of the very fabric of Love, awaiting those with the insight to weave them into happier, healthier, more meaningful lives..

Life is a hard battle anyway, and if we laugh and sing a little as we fight the good fight of freedom, it makes it all go easier.

– Sojourner Truth

Resolution Number 7
I commit to meeting and becoming acquaintances, and perhaps friends, with more people this year than I will lose to alienation, death or disease. I will cultivate and enhance my gratitude for all of my friends and family who have proceeded me in death, or who are still walking this beautiful planet with me..

Resolution Number 6
I will honor my body, and the planet Earth, as the temple of the “living God”. I will not knowingly introduce physical and/or spiritual toxins into my body/mind, nor will I encourage or support others to bring harm to their own bodies and minds, to the bodies and minds of others, or to our planet Earth.

Resolution Number 5
I commit to confronting the ignorance, darkness and evil in our world. I commit to confronting the ignorance, darkness and evil in collective consciousness. I commit to confronting the ignorance, darkness and evil within my own mind, if and when it arises. I commit to co-creating the conditions for love to arise and flourish in our damaged, insane world.

Resolution Number 4
I hereby commit to following new paths of consciousness, accepting new teachings from those enlightened ones who are now sharing their wisdom with mankind, as well as becoming willing to share the wisdom that my own inner teacher continues to reveal to me.through my own unique journey through life. Salvation, healing, evolution, and/or spiritual growth are up to me, and no teacher will do my inner work for me.

Resolution Number 3
Find my truth, honor my truth, speak my truth to power, use my truth to help others who are still oppressed, suffering, and/or less fortunate than myself

Resolution Number Two

I hereby commit to ontinue to support and work towards rational solutions to global warming/climate change. Continue to get outdoors and enjoy nature, and honor the natural world at an enhanced level.

Resolution Number One

I hereby commit to co-creating real, meaningful relationships in the REAL world, and let go of all pseudo-friendships based solely on media platforms and/or email and Facebook exchanges.

Categories: Musings


Presently, I am 67 years old, and I am learning how to live the life of a retired person. I am married to Sharon White, a retired hospice nurse, and writer. Whose Death Is It Anyway-A Hospice Nurse Remembers Sharon is a wonderful friend and life partner of nearly 30 years. We have three grandsons through two of Sharon's children. I am not a published writer or poet. My writings are part of my new life in retirement. I have recently created a blog, and I began filling it up with my writings on matters of recovery and spirituality. I saw that my blog contained enough material for a book, so that is now my new intention, to publish a book, if only so that my grandsons can get to know who their grandfather really was, once I am gone. The title for my first book will be: Penetrating The Conspiracy Of Silence, or, How I Lived Beyond My Expiration Date I have since written 7 more books, all of which are now posted on this site. I have no plans to publish any of them, as their material is not of general interest, and would not generate enough income to justify costs. I have taken a deep look at life, and written extensively about it from a unique and rarely communicated perspective. Some of my writing is from 2016 on to the present moment. Other writing covers the time prior to 1987 when I was a boy, then an addict and alcoholic, with my subsequent recovery experience, and search for "Truth". Others are about my more recent experiences around the subjects of death, dying, and transformation, and friends and family having the most challenging of life's experiences. There are also writings derived from my personal involvement with and insight into toxic masculinity, toxic religion, toxic capitalism, and all of their intersections with our leadere. These topics will not be a draw for all people, as such personal and/or cultural toxicities tends to get ignored, overlooked, or "normalized" by those with little time for insight, introspection, or interest in other people's points of view on these troubling issues. There also will be a couple of writings/musings about "GOD", but I try to limit that kind of verbal gymnastics, because it is like chasing a sunbeam with a flashlight. Yes, my books are non-fiction, and are not good reading for anybody seeking to escape and be entertained. Some of the writings are spiritual, philosophical and intellectual in nature, and some descend the depths into the darkest recesses of the human mind. I have included a full cross section of all of my thoughts and feelings. It is a classic "over-share", and I have no shame in doing so. A Master Teacher once spoke to me, and said "no teacher shall effect your salvation, you must work it out for yourself". "Follow new paths of consciousness by letting go of all of the mental concepts and controls of your past". This writing represents my personal work towards that ultimate end.