Here Comes the Judge!

Excerpt from book #8

No More Turning Away—Breaking The Conspiracy Of Silence

Jesus, amongst many other real, or imaginary, wise people has stated that we must not judge others, lest we be judged, as well. On the surface, this sounds like good wisdom, doesn’t it? If I think someone is an asshole, and, they might really be an asshole, I risk being judged as one as well. Talk about the boomerang effect!

Yet, we can easily see the inbuilt fallacy of this perceptual admonition, if it is just taken out of context without other supporting wisdom. And, spiritual misunderstanding continues to aide and abet truly bad people in continuing their egregious behavior (see Donald Trump, amongst millions of others). Who wants to be judged as a Trump equivalent, at least spiritually, because we made an accurate and necessary call on a misbehaving fool and criminal?.
Yet, my behavior towards judging, or not judging, others did not originate with Jesus Christ’s teachings. The “wisdom” originated as a self-protection mechanism for me. i don’t recall the exact first time this happened, but I do remember as a seven year old boy thinking that I will ignore X,Y, or Z’s misbehavior, hoping that they would in turn ignore my own. I dared not judge others, for fear that I would be judged. And whenever my father found out I had misbehaved, there was to be an ass whipping by his unforgiving belt, so the immature thought, which is more universal than we may care to admit, was to please turn away from my malfeasance and make no report of it to others, and continue to enjoy your own without fear of recrimination from me! (wink, wink, nod, nod).
Did you ever wonder why some people would rather just watch the world burn, and prepare for Armageddon, than join the spiritual fire department and help douse the flames?
Did you ever wonder why so many Trump supporters continued to support him, even after he showed his true darkest intentions?
I don’t!
People are more attached to wounded modes of past being, behavior, and experience than openness to the healing possibilities inherent within the present moment. They see reflected in Trump’s outward shenanigans aspects of their own unhealed and unawakened natures. They celebrate their dark hero, rather than feel ashamed,  because they have a champion who makes it OK to not be their best self.  They may appear indifferent or hateful to the rest of the awakening world, yet, in truth, they are only unwilling and incapable of honestly facing themselves.
Of course, mutual non-reporting of offensive and unacceptable behavior is not conducive to positive change, growth, healing, or mindfulness, is it?
No more turning away, folks. Do not fear your perceptual software but be prepared to add new algorithms to it to aid in more accurately representing our intentions to see truly in this often chaotic, wounded, and imbalanced world. There is still so much needless and unnecessary suffering in our world, yet if we are still suffering, we will remain under its dark controls and not be fully inspired to reduce its damaging influence, both on ourselves and on others.
First, let us heal ourselves of our own glaring deficiencies, and traumas, so we no longer look through those fogged lenses at our world.
Then, let us look out at the world with a more coherent healing intent.
No one likes being judged, especially by the person with so many glaring deficiencies of their own.
Often, though, the judged deserve every bit of our assessments of their, and our own, once, or ongoing wayward behavior.
Let us all now turn our wounds into wisdom.
Here comes the judge, here comes the judge, here comes the judge. . . . .!
Your Honor, what is your most accurate verdict?
We are all guilty as charged, until we regain our lost innocence, and can see that innocence in others, as well.
No more turning away from our wounds as suffering human beings.
No more turning away from the inherent goodness and beauty that lies, often ignored, within the heart and soul of the other.
“Remove that log stuck in your own eye, so that you may more accurately see the sliver stuck in another’s eye”—Jesus of Nazareth


No More Turning Away

Photo taken by famous raconteur, African historian, conservationist, photographer, and tour guide, Russell Gammon. He caught me in a rare moment of serious observation of wildlife—-of fellow Road Scholars ‘at our amazing barbecue and picnic in the middle of the Read more…