“We speak about losing our minds, as if it is a bad thing. I say, lose your mind. Do it purposefully. Find out who you really are beyond your thoughts and beliefs. Lose your mind, find your soul“—–Vironika Tugaleva
“I am only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand”—John Wayne.
I am in the process of bringing Book #8 to the general public, with the help Of Melinda Copp, my editor. Research for this book nearly cost me my life several times, so no reader should be surprised if I take this material extremely seriously. My hope would be that the reader would also give serious consideration to this epic work.
I loved the way that I presented the material, but most others did not, thus Melinda appears on the scene. So far, my PR campaign has been anything but a success. At times, I carry a little “John Wayne” energy, and often leave it up to the reader to figure some difficult concepts out for themselves.
We have all had “teachers” like that, haven’t we?
So far, my motivation to get the finished product to the publisher has been muted, as I flirt with a bit of writer’s disillusionment. Living into the role of being yet another corrective hero of the world is no role to assume for a career, or a hobby in retirement, if one wants to win friends in corporate, religious, or other patriarchal dominated areas, and/or live a long, carefree life. Insanity and indifference have been normalized within our world mind, and I am not going to crucify myself in any more attempts to reach it, teach it, and breech it. After it is published, the book will either speak for itself, or die in the conspiracy of silence that it arose from and that I have thoroughly documented in the book.
My editor Melinda Copp and I had our final phone conversation Thursday, June 29, 2023.
She said that it is time to leave the writer’s cocoon, and to fly with my new wings,
So, the book must be published now.
And, another new journey begins.
The book’s true impact upon the world may not be felt until well after my death, if at all.
And so it will be.
I have written seven previous books, all of which have been unpublished. But book number 8 has been committed to by me to be published. This is a significant attempt by me, as I attempt to point to where “infinity” may actually be experienced. It just so happens that the symbol for the number eight, 8, when laid on its side also is the symbol for infinity.
How can we see the big picture, when we put just our face, the face of our past, our family history, and the history of humankind, in the picture frame? We are infinite in our fundamental nature, being the very emanation of this universe in a human form, and with an ever-evolving consciousness specific to our presence upon, and within, Mother Earth. Yet, the unenlightened mind continues to interpret our sacred magnificence as if it is something profane in nature. What is disturbing to me is that not enough of our population is curious about what our purpose might be on Mother Earth. Far too many accept that satisfying biological urges while working, maintaining a family, and entertaining ourselves is enough.
I remember the “show and tell” period from grades one and two. I would stand up in front of the class at every opportunity, whether I had something to show, and talk about, or not. I never wanted to miss an opportunity to share. When I had nothing to show, it sure made for some awkward “tells” however. Yet, that embarrassment sure beat the humiliation that I received just sitting in the corner with a dunce cap on, which was all too frequently my chair. The point is to find our real life’s message, and then prepare to be ready to present ourselves to the world, while avoiding the dunce chair, and wearing the dunce cap (AKA MAGA cap, or other dysfunctional tribal clothing)
We are all in the same class now, though everyone has their own unique lesson plan. This latest book is a small part of mine.
The perception that the sacred, which is our world, and all of its life, is somehow profane is what motivates cultural insanity and darkness. That is why ecological disasters and global warming stay in the forefront of human experience. This darkness also creates the conditions for the proliferation of war, murder, greed, rape, and a common knowledge experience where it is socially acceptable to diminish the value of each other, animals, and our beautiful planet.
This book, like all other pointers to where true knowledge might lay, has no value to those who continue to look away. The unawakened look away from the sorrows of the world. The unawakened look away from the sorrows of themselves and hide from their pain through denial in multitudes of forms. The unawakened look away from the transcendence inherent within themselves. The unawakened continue to look away from the deeper meaning embedded within life, while distracting themselves with trivialities and entertainment.
If I allowed myself to continuously live in the fullness of my healing potential, this writing would be purely poetic in nature. Yet, I made the choice long ago to be in the world, just not totally of it and its awkward nature. My writing remains rather corrective in nature, and attempts to point in the direction where love might exist, and away from where it definitely does NOT exist.
As biological beings, our brains are hardwired to protect our self, and our tribe, from continued threats and excessive pain. Yet, we have access to a healing consciousness, which modifies those algorithms, and brings us back into balance from our excessive suffering, and our pain avoidance subroutines.
The conspiracy of silence that keeps us imprisoned within the structures of collective ignorance continues to rule much of our world, yet, to the evolving ones amongst us, the conspiracy of healing and love rules our hearts, and opens us up to our Soul..
This is what I do. This is who I am. I see problems. I then look at the maps. I find a healthier, safer, more functional path to travel, or, if it is not already available, I create my own. I see opportunities for change, healing, and growth. While the world continues spinning in its wobbly orbit, I present solutions that may assist awakening humans reach their spiritual possibilities.
It is often most beneficial to understand what is NOT true, that our native intelligence may finally connect with what MIGHT be true.
Stories from my own dark past have become the veins of the spiritual gold that I have mined for insight and wisdom. My life timeline may be split into two distinct halves, the first half being the first thirty one years of my life, and the second half being the post March 1987 years. For all intents and purposes, I have lived two completely different lives, though both parts have been characterized by my relative obscurity and, basically, anonymity.
The first period was informed by the internal voices for loneliness, anxiety, and insecurity, and feeling rather unloved, while remaining habituated to many self defeating attitudes and their resultant questionable self care behaviors.
The second part continues to be guided by deep curiosity, and the profound experience of our infinite capacity for awakening and healing.
Someday, this world will be part of love’s conspiracy of SILENCE.
“That SILENCE comes when the whole structure of the self is understood”—–J. Krishnamurti
1 Comment
Star Aquarius · October 25, 2022 at 4:01 AM
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