I am serving up a little vitriolic monologue today.
“Dirt” bags come in many forms, and not all are attached to vacuum cleaners. Rep. Nunes certainly has earned the Dirt-Bag Award of the Year, so far.
An informed observer might think that Devin Nunes himself is colluding with the Russians, through his continuing deception and support for Trump.
One also has to contemplate how much money it takes to corrupt a politician, what was the price that Mercer and the other dark energy billionaires paid to this dirt bag to become, to all appearances, treasonous to truth and to our country. As a side note, consider that Paul Ryan just received a half million dollar check from the Koch Brothers for selling off his soul. Trump was already corrupted before he hit the Presidency, so no need to search for causality for him. His connections with the Russian mob, with money laundered from Russian criminals and oligarchs, and other foreign agents are already becoming a matter of public record. Trump only answers to his own corrupt, grandiose, greedy, selfish, ignorant needs.
Nunes appears to be Putin’s puppet, as well as the puppet for the dark energy masters, who pump dark money into our political process. Yes, the same people who brought you Citizen’s United and the corrupted Supreme Court ruling that turned big money into our new political master.
Hypnotism, ignorance, greed, hatred, selfishness, and deception rule our country. Trump, the Dark Emperor, with his new clothes, spun from the dark money corrupted golden threads created in the swamp of the dark minds of these co-conspirators to Trump, continues to be propped up by their collective madness .
I am not deceived, or hypnotized, by these puppet masters, their self-serving and sometimes treasonous activities and agendas, and their betrayal of our spiritual and cultural values.
Who are your real rulers, America?
When a living system becomes infected with toxins, it must rid itself of the offenders, lest the disease spread, and destroy the entire system. The compromised system must fight back with powerful antibodies, sweat out the toxicity, remove it through emetic action or diarrhea, and/or vote it out of existence.
I am a Trump antibody, and I vote! And every time I need to use the bathroom, I can’t help but wish that I could flush the DT syndrome away with one pull of the handle. What I see circling the drain looks a lot like some of our present day Republican political leadership, and they all need treatment at the local sewage treatment plant.
Please, save yourself.