There are three “wise men” within all of us, those facets of our own unique wisdom which gifts us with intelligence supported by timeless truth, love supported by peaceful intentions for all, and humility that reminds each of us that while we are not the center of the universe, we remain an essential part of the great whole of life, and that we are all created from the same Divine substance.
Wisdom does not initially develop within those who live unconscious lives. Yet, through the pain and suffering experienced from living such unconscious lives, the receptivity to wisdom’s presence is developed, with an enhanced willingness to embark on new paths of consciousness where truth, love, peace, humility, and a sense of the presence of the sacred may be found and experienced.
For many of us, it means leaving all that once was important to us, be it our personal philosophy, our family, friends, employment, social standing, physical health or illness, or economic prosperity, or poverty. It might mean leaving the church of our family, our community, or of our nation and joining a higher understanding for life populated by individuals who see beyond the illusions of dogma and other religious controls.
The new birth of our “higher self” or Christ, does not happen while we are luxuriating at the Hilton Hotel, but instead while we are present in the most humblest of abodes, which is the humility that comes upon realizing that even our best presentation of our self, or ego, pales in comparison to what the guiding star of Infinite Spirit will reveal to us, and through us, once we have made conscious contact with our highest possibility.
It is an immaculate conception within our minds and heart, this idea that we can be born again, into a higher possibility for existence. We do not need a mother or a father for the new birth, we only need a willingness to travel new paths of consciousness, and to gradually, or dramatically reduce all movement of time based thought that keeps us imprisoned in the past.
The world is new to every soul, when Christ has entered in. Christ does not belong to any religion, Christianity or otherwise. Christ points to an infinite possibility of healing, love, and truth that each of us is capable of achieving, if we are willing to leave the “Inn” groups, and explore life on the outside of socially accepted norms or controls for a period of time. For some of us, it is a life, though initially lived in the ‘pig pen”, or in the ” humble manger”, of consciousness, that we can eventually overcome to evolve into a place of higher understanding :
And, we can find that ultimate reality where “In my father’s mansion are many rooms. . . “
Christmas becomes an actuality for all human beings, pagan, religious, atheist, or otherwise, when we finally find our true self, the self unsullied by the ravages, and damages of time with its scattered wreckage of all of our broken relationships with Truth and Love.
If we are searching for Truth and Love, may we all find what we are looking for!
All of life is infinitely blessed, by all who undertake the hero’s journey towards healing and Truth.
All that we now see, or will ever see, unto eternity, is Our Self. How we see Our Self today, either with love and compassion, and forgiveness for all who have brought harm to us, or with hatred, continuing judgement, and condemnation determines whether the Christ is born and nurtured, or is once again crucified.
The choice is ours to make, moment to moment. All of the diverse members of humanity are our brothers, and our sisters, and deserve ultimate respect and love from each one of us. All of our animals and plants are made from the same divine substance as we are, and deserve ultimate respect and love from each one of us. Our planet Earth is made from the same divine substance as we are, and deserves ultimate respect and love from each one of us.
Merry Christmas to all human beings who yearn for the truth of being, be they secular, religious, pagan, atheist, or otherwise! May our entire planet be blessed by the highest intentions that each one of us cultivates within our healed hearts and minds.