(Editor will reduce the following 5141 words.to three paragraphs.)


An Electrician’s Guide To Our Galaxy– Living On Life’s Widest Frequency

Chapters 54-55

All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light from the shadows shall spring;

Renewed shall be blade that was broken,

The crownless again shall be king

by J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973)

Navigating the Shadows of the Soul

In the vast labyrinth of human existence, there are corners shrouded in shadows where despair and confusion take root. Mass hypnosis, oppression, mental illness, addiction, and the harrowing specters of murder and suicide have long intertwined with the fabric of our collective consciousness. These destructive forces, a scourge upon the human soul, beckon us to explore the deeper currents that drive such tragic outcomes. This is a call to all oppressed people,  social activists, spiritual seekers, and healers—those brave enough to confront these shadows and seek the light beyond.

Our spiritual departure from the mythical Garden of Eden is etched into our very being, marked by the erosion of self-esteem and mutual respect. It is a journey fraught with the loss of personal meaning and clarity, where each choice seems clouded by doubt. This disorientation fuels a cycle of depression, alienation, and anxiety, spiraling into despair. The human heart, yearning for connection and understanding, often finds itself isolated amidst this inner turmoil.

For those who wander this path, the choices become stark—at one end of the unholy spectrum appears suicide, the ultimate act of repression, or, at the other end of the spectrum, appears murder, the ultimate act of oppression against the other. These actions, final protests against an unyielding life, leave devastation in their wake. They are expressions of suffering too great to bear, a silence broken only by the cacophony of pain left behind. And do not forget the suffering endured by those shelved between the bleak bookends of suicide and murder.

To comprehend the depth of these issues, we must first unravel the threads of mass hypnosis and societal oppression. Mass hypnosis is not an illusionist’s trick but a societal phenomenon where cultures are swept away by the tides of misinformation and manipulation. It breeds a homogeneity of thought, stifling individual voices and perpetuating cycles of oppression. Those who do not fit the prescribed mold find themselves marginalized, their struggles dismissed.

Oppression, whether political or cultural, casts long shadows over the psyche. It fosters environments where mental illness festers, unchecked and misunderstood. Within these confines, addiction takes hold, offering a fleeting escape from the anguish of reality. Yet, it is a temporary reprieve that only deepens the chasm of despair.

Desperate souls, trapped within these cycles, perceive continued dysfunctional behaviors, or even suicide and murder as viable solutions. They stand at the precipice, believing they have exhausted all options. It is a tragic misunderstanding—an internalized belief that there is no redemption, no possibility of healing. This duality of desperation feeds on a societal narrative that values production over compassion, conformity over individuality.

We must challenge this narrative, for it is within the power of community and acceptance that true healing begins. By fostering environments of support and understanding, we can disrupt these cycles and offer hope to those ensnared by them.

Social activists are uniquely positioned to enact change at the grassroots level. By advocating for policies that prioritize mental health and addiction recovery, we can create spaces where healing is possible. Activists must champion education and awareness, breaking down the stigmas that isolate individuals and encouraging open dialogues about mental wellness.

Philosophical inquiry also plays a pivotal role, urging us to question our societal values. Are we nurturing individuality, or are we enforcing conformity? Activists, by challenging the status quo, can guide society toward a more inclusive and compassionate future.

For spiritual seekers, this is an invitation to explore the interconnectedness of all beings. It is an opportunity to acknowledge the spiritual crises that often accompany mental health struggles. By integrating practices that promote mindfulness and self-awareness, seekers can guide individuals toward a deeper understanding of their intrinsic worth.

The quest for meaning and purpose is a profound aspect of the human experience. Spiritual seekers, through rituals and meditation, can help restore a sense of balance and harmony, illuminating paths previously unseen. They remind us that the soul’s journey is not solitary but intertwined with the collective.

Healers, both traditional and modern, hold the key to transforming suffering into peace. Through compassionate care and holistic approaches, they bridge the gap between science and spirituality. By addressing the root causes of mental illness and addiction, healers empower individuals to reclaim their autonomy and find solace within.

Empathy is the healer’s touchstone, a gentle reminder that every soul is worthy of love and understanding. By cultivating environments of acceptance, healers invite individuals to share their stories without fear of judgment, fostering resilience and hope.

At the heart of healing lies the power of community. We must strive to create spaces where individuals feel safe to express their vulnerabilities and triumphs. By cultivating a culture of empathy and support, we can dismantle the barriers of isolation and build bridges of connection.

Communities that prioritize mental wellness and inclusivity serve as beacons of hope for those navigating the shadows. They remind us that we are never alone and that our stories, though unique, are part of a greater tapestry.

To break the cycle of despair, we must address systemic inequalities that perpetuate suffering. By advocating for equitable access to mental health resources and addiction recovery programs, we can dismantle the barriers that hinder healing. It is through collective action that we can pave the way for a more just and compassionate society.

Education is a vital tool in this endeavor, equipping individuals with the knowledge to challenge oppressive narratives and foster resilience. By promoting mental health literacy, we empower individuals to advocate for their well-being and challenge the status quo.

Healing is a lifelong journey, one that requires patience, courage, and determination. It is a process of unraveling the layers of pain and rediscovering the light within. By honoring this journey, we acknowledge the resilience of the human spirit and its capacity for transformation.

Though the path may be arduous, it is also illuminated by the wisdom of those who have traversed it before. Their stories serve as guiding stars, offering hope and inspiration to those who follow.

In confronting the shadows of the soul, we are called to action—not as solitary seekers but as a united force for change. We must stand together, advocating for a world that honors the dignity of every individual. Through compassion and understanding, we can illuminate the path to healing and create a future where all souls thrive.

This is an invitation to join the movement, to be a voice of hope and healing. Together, we can transform suffering into strength and despair into hope.

For those who wish to explore these topics further, numerous resources are available. Engage in discussions, attend workshops, and connect with communities dedicated to mental wellness and spiritual growth. Remember, the journey of healing is not linear, and every step forward is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

May we carry the light of understanding and compassion within us, illuminating the path for ourselves and others. Together, we can create a world where the shadows of the soul are met with love and healing.

Journey to Inner Transformation Align Your Heart for Positive Change

In a world brimming with external influences vying for our attention, it is easy to lose sight of the self. Many of us have felt the pull to change—to evolve into the best versions of ourselves—not due to societal pressures or expectations from family and friends, but because of a deep internal calling. It is this intrinsic motivation, this desire born from within, that can lead to profound transformation.  Let’s explore how such a change unfolds, how it impacts our lives and the world around us, and how spiritual explorers can harness this power to evolve.

True transformation does not emerge from mere external persuasion. It begins with an acknowledgment of self-value and a conscious awareness of one’s behavior and its effects on self, others, and the planet. It involves realizing the insanity behind actions detrimental to our well-being and seeking a higher power to guide us toward sanity.

When we tap into this deep-seated motivation, our perspective shifts dramatically. We begin to understand that change must be anchored in self-awareness and self-love. This realization is not instant but unfolds as we start valuing ourself differently, recognizing the harm caused by our previous actions, and seeking to rectify them.

However, the road to transformation is not without challenges. The first step is to confront the chaos within. This chaos often stems from the unconscious accommodations we’ve made to trauma throughout our lives. By bringing these to light, we take the first stride toward healing.

A heart-driven intention is a catalyst for positive change. When our desire for transformation is pure, it aligns with the universal energies that guide us toward our highest potential. The heart is not just an organ but the epicenter of spiritual growth, a beacon guiding us to seek what seems unattainable.

Our heart is constantly communicating with us, nudging us toward our true purpose. It encourages us to follow our passions, to pursue dreams that resonate deeply within. When we align our actions with the heart’s intentions, we unlock an immense potential for personal growth and fulfillment. The heart knows no bounds; its desires are pure and undiluted by societal expectations.

Many spiritual seekers have embarked on this path, driven by a calling to explore their own depths. They discover that when intentions are aligned with the heart, life’s miracles unfold before them, paving the way for unimaginable growth.

Growth is rooted in the cycle of life and death. Just as cells within our bodies die and regenerate, old thoughts and behaviors must be shed to make way for new, vibrant creations. Understanding this cyclical nature is essential for evolving and thriving in life.

The process of letting go is not easy. It requires courage to relinquish outdated beliefs and to open oneself to new possibilities. Yet, it is through this shedding that we free ourself from the constraints of habitually harmful patterns. It is an ongoing process where we continuously learn, grow, and redefine who we are.

Transformation demands courage—the courage to allow parts of us to die so that new facets can emerge. It’s a constant cycle of rebirth that leads to a richer, more enlightened existence.

In a world often overshadowed by despair, threads of hope are interwoven, offering a path to transcendence. Toxic energies may pervade society, but they are countered by the resilience of those who strive for change. These threads of hope are the seeds of collective healing.

Recognizing these strands is crucial. It empowers individuals to tap into their own potential and contribute to the greater good. Understanding that the source of much of our strife lies in entrenched behaviors allows us to address these roots and foster healing.

The collective consciousness is dynamic. When individuals begin to change, the effects ripple outward, impacting communities and the world at large. By fostering insight and communication, we can unravel the chaos and sew together a more harmonious existence.

Insight is the key to catalyzing meaningful change. It transforms attitudes, reshapes behaviors, and enriches lives. The first step toward altering your world is altering yourself through introspection, meditation, and reconciliation.

Self-reflection is a powerful tool. By examining our thoughts and actions, we gain a deeper understanding of the underlying motivations that drive them. This awareness is liberating, enabling us to shift our perspective and take deliberate steps toward growth.

Meditation serves as a bridge to deeper insights. It quiets the mind, allowing us to connect with our inner essence. Through this practice, we uncover truths that guide us on our path to transformation.

Each day is an opportunity for rebirth. By releasing all that does not align with our true nature, we create space for new experiences and insights. This daily shedding is a testament to our commitment to inner growth.

Rebirth is not a singular event but a continuous process. It involves examining our beliefs, discarding those that no longer serve us, and adopting new perspectives that align with our true self. Each day presents a chance to start anew, to redefine who we are and where we’re headed.

By staying open to change, we remain adaptable and receptive to life’s offerings. We become a conscious traveler on the path of existence, free from the shackles of past conditioning.

The spiritual rocket of transformation lifts off when we release the constraints of conditioning and judgment. It propels we into uncharted realms of consciousness, where healing and growth await.

This metaphorical rocket represents the limitless potential inherent in each of us. It is fueled by love, acceptance, and the courage to confront societal norms. When we shed the layers of cultural conditioning, we unlock the doors to spiritual exploration.

The beauty of this rocket lies in its unpredictability. It takes us on a voyage of discovery, unveiling new dimensions of existence and guiding us toward our highest self.

Love and acceptance of ourself and others, including all forms of life, fuel our spiritual ascent. This profound love is a life-affirming force that propels us toward greater understanding and connection.

Love is a universal language capable of transcending barriers and uniting humanity. By cultivating this love within ourself, we create a ripple effect that touches everyone around us. It is a guiding light that illuminates our path, fostering empathy and compassion.

This love extends to all living beings. By acknowledging the interconnectedness of life, we develop a profound respect for nature and its inhabitants. This harmonious relationship contributes to the overall well-being of the planet.

To remain healthy, it is essential to confront both internal and external challenges. This involves addressing issues through insight, communication, and confrontation with negative elements in society.

The path to transformation is not a passive one. It requires active engagement with our surroundings and the courage to challenge the status quo. By confronting internal struggles, we pave the way for healing and growth.

Similarly, addressing external challenges requires a commitment to change. Engaging in open dialogue and forging connections with others creates a collective force for positive transformation.

Communication is the bridge to understanding and healing. Insightful conversations with ourself and others facilitate growth and open new avenues for exploration. Effective communication is founded on listening and empathy. By actively listening to others and expressing ourself authentically, we create meaningful connections that foster mutual understanding.

These conversations are not limited to verbal exchanges. They encompass written reflections, artistic expressions, and any form of communication that resonates with your soul. Through these interactions, we gain valuable insights that propel us forward.

Breaking free from cultural and religious conditioning allows for uninhibited exploration of the spiritual realm. By liberating ourself from preconceived notions, we open the door to limitless possibilities. Conditioning often obscures our true essence. It imposes limitations and stifles creativity. By challenging these constraints, we reclaim our autonomy and create space for authentic self-expression.

This liberation is not a rejection of tradition but a redefinition of its role in our life. It empowers us to forge our own path, guided by our inner truth.

In the tapestry of life, change is the only constant. Transformation begins from within, guided by the heart’s pure intentions and fueled by love. By releasing outdated beliefs and confronting challenges, we pave the way for personal growth and spiritual evolution.

The path may be daunting, but it is paved with hope and possibility. By aligning with our true nature and nurturing love within, we create a brighter, more harmonious future for yourself and the world.

Let us keep exploring, keep growing, and allow the miracle of life to unfold before us.

Reclaiming Our Voice in a Conformist World


Ever stopped to wonder why your voice seems lost amidst conformity? Today, the challenge isn’t just to express our truths but to ensure they’re heard over the cacophony of homogenized voices. In a world that often values conformity over individuality, the struggle to carve out one’s unique voice is real. But, as intellectual and spiritual seekers, we owe it to ourselves—and to the world—to assert our narratives, our truths, and our philosophies.

In this era of relentless information, our society often prioritizes a uniform narrative, leaving little room for personal truths that deviate from the norm. This can be suffocating for those who cherish individuality and freedom of thought. The impact of social, political, and religious conditioning on freedom of expression is profound, often discouraging dissent and stifling creativity.

The challenge lies in the thin line between healthy anger—which honors truth and integrity—and dangerous, institutionalized hatred. Many misconstrue anger as inherently negative, failing to recognize its potential as a catalyst for positive change. Anger, when channeled constructively, can propel individuals to stand against societal injustices and bring about monumental transformations.

Oppression and repression often stem from incomplete and prematurely aborted responses to environmental threats. Institutionalized anger, fueled by memory, inadequate education, and emotional immaturity, is dangerous. It is the breeding ground for racism, war, hatred, alienation, and cultural insanity. The path to liberation involves mindful, non-judgmental self-examination—a practice that enhances awareness of oneself and the world.

To question prevailing attitudes and philosophies requires courage. When politicians, employers, or religious figures exert pressure, it’s crucial to listen to our internal skepticism. If our “bullshit detector” rings loud, our external voice should echo our truth, challenging lies and half-truths.

The closer we get to our concept of “God” or the essence of our being, the more anonymous we become. Our stories transform from personal narratives into universal truths, emphasizing less on self and more on the collective. Within each of us lies a neglected story, awaiting its moment to shine. We must uncover this story, wear our truth like a crown, and discard symbols of ignorance in favor of enlightenment.

Many are conditioned by outdated religious and cultural doctrines. While these traditions offer familiarity, they often impede spiritual growth with restrictive dogmas. True spirituality encourages open exploration and self-discovery, not blind conformity.

Never allow others to speak for you. Instead, take responsibility for your voice, ensuring it’s heard in both private and public spheres. Express yourself without sacrificing integrity, standing tall against unfair criticism. Remember, the pearls of wisdom we share may not always be valued by the masses, but they remain invaluable to those ready to listen.

Healthy anger at societal injustices is not only acceptable; it is necessary. It’s time to dismantle the idea that all anger equates to hatred. Instead, differentiate between anger arising naturally from the moment and that which is fueled by institutionalized hatred.

Support and engage with independent, non-conformist voices. Be the change you wish to see by actively participating in dialogues that challenge the status quo. Encourage others to explore their truths, and together, let’s pave the way for a more enlightened society.

By championing self-expression and rejecting conformity, we honor not only our own truths but also contribute to a richer, more diverse tapestry of human experience.

The Unseen Power Within: Exploring The Infinite Potential of Consciousness

In a world driven by technology and external achievements, many of us overlook the profound potential that resides within our own consciousness. This potential, when fully explored, can lead to personal transformation and freedom from the constraints that bind us. I have found that by unlocking the depths of our consciousness, we can lead to a more meaningful, liberated life.

Imagine a world where technology is merely a reflection of the true power we possess within ourselves. This notion may seem far-fetched, yet it’s a reality waiting for those willing to explore the full range of their consciousness. Our lives often feel grounded in limitations until we accept personal responsibility for the challenges we’ve co-created. This acceptance opens the door to a spiritually oriented life, one where freedom becomes not just possible but inevitable.

Expanding our consciousness is the key to unlocking this potential. It allows us to see beyond the illusions that have caused us harm and to become aware of the options available for healing and growth. The first step in this process is paying attention—to the world around us, to the stories we tell ourselves, and to the deeper truths that lie beneath the surface. When we truly listen, we begin to uncover the miracles that await us.

For many, the path to spiritual freedom begins with a willingness to explore new perspectives. This involves moving beyond the confines of our conditioned minds and hearts, opening ourselves to the vast landscape of possibilities that consciousness offers. It’s a courageous leap into the unknown, but one that can lead to profound insights and a renewed sense of purpose.

Throughout history, silence has been used both as a tool of oppression and as a pathway to healing. Understanding the difference is crucial for those seeking to liberate themselves from the burdens of the past.

The silence born of ignorance and oppression creates suffering and disease. It stifles our voices, limits our potential, and keeps us trapped in cycles of pain. This silence is pervasive, affecting individuals and societies alike, and it can lead to a life half-lived, overshadowed by the fear of speaking out.

In contrast, silence that arises from healing holds the power to transform. It invites us to listen with our hearts, to connect with the deepest meanings embedded within all of life. This type of silence offers a bridge to human consciousness, allowing us to return dignity to each sacred manifestation of existence.

Learning to listen—truly listen—is an act of liberation. It requires us to open ourselves to the stories of others with compassion and respect, and to share our own stories without fear. By doing so, we create a new shared narrative, one that honors the diversity of experiences and fosters a sense of community and connection.

In the beginning, there was the Word—a powerful catalyst for change and unity. The Word transcends language, culture, and time, serving as a universal expression of truth and love.

When the Word arises from sacred silence, it becomes a beacon of hope and healing. It has the power to unite us in love, thought, and action, creating a new story of world healing and wholeness. This story is not born from the chaos of our troubled past but from the divine potential that resides within each of us.

To harness the power of the Word, we must be willing to craft a new narrative—one that embraces our shared humanity and honors the infinite value of every individual. This narrative is a tapestry woven from diverse voices, each contributing to a collective vision of a more compassionate, equitable world.

Living the vision of love requires us to embody the principles of kindness, empathy, and understanding in our daily lives. It’s a call to action for all who seek to make a positive impact on the world, guided by the radiant light of consciousness.

Stories are the vessels through which we share our experiences, hopes, and dreams. They hold the power to inspire, educate, and connect us in ways nothing else can.

Every story has value, whether it’s recognized by others or not. The act of sharing our stories allows us to transcend the limitations imposed by our culture and family of origin, celebrating the infinite potential that resides within each of us.

Listening to others’ stories is equally important. It invites us to step outside of ourselves and view the world through a different lens, fostering empathy and understanding. By engaging with diverse narratives, we expand our own consciousness and contribute to a more inclusive, harmonious society.

Ultimately, storytelling is a communal act. It brings people together, creating a sense of belonging and shared purpose. By participating in this exchange, we become part of something greater than ourselves—a global community united by the power of the human experience.

At the heart of our exploration lies the miracle of consciousness. It’s a force that transcends the material world, offering insights and revelations that can transform our lives.

The journey of self-discovery is a sacred one, guided by the light of consciousness. It invites us to explore the depths of our being, uncovering hidden truths and unlocking the potential for growth and transformation.

Consciousness serves as a bridge to the divine, connecting us to the source of all creation. Through this connection, we gain access to the wisdom and guidance needed to navigate the complexities of life with grace and purpose.

When we tap into the miracle of consciousness, we become conduits for love and healing. Our actions are infused with a sense of purpose, and our presence becomes a source of inspiration and support for those around us.

In a world driven by external achievements, it’s easy to overlook the profound potential that resides within us. Yet, by exploring the depths of our consciousness, we can unlock a more meaningful, liberated life. This exploration requires us to break free from the silence of oppression, harness the power of the Word, and engage with the infinite value of storytelling.

By embarking on this personal and collective journey, we create a new narrative—one that embraces our shared humanity and honors the divine potential that resides within each of us. This narrative is a tapestry woven from diverse voices, each contributing to a collective vision of a more compassionate, equitable world.

Freedom may not be for everybody now, but it certainly is for me, now, and for all of eternity. I am grateful for my wife Sharon White, who shares in the new/old insight. May all sentient beings be freed from their suffering. But first, all sentient beings must become conscious enough to be aware of the options available to free themselves from their suffering. Pay attention to the person behind the curtain! Get to know them at the deepest level. And then, don’t give up finding truth, beauty, and love until the real Miracle appears in your own life, OK?

Like my father asked, when I was nearly four years old, and finally learned how to talk,

“Will that boy ever run out of things to talk about?”

and then often stated:

“Bruce, would you please shut up!”

Once I started talking I proved that I had the capacity for speech, and A LOT OF IT. Both of my parents wondered, at times, if I would ever shut up. Once a person touches Consciousness, Infinity is the limit to our potential.  Yet, my own voice disappeared, after many years of oppression, and repression. The long-term oppressive effects of the conspiracy of silence that plagues most men will continue to limit our potential to experience happiness and longevity, and love for our life.  That certainly was the case for my own life, and nearly eventuated in my early death at thirty years of age.

I am humbled and amazed by both the miracle eternally embedded in SACRED SILENCE, as well as its bridge to human consciousness through the Word. May the Word take a form unique to each of us in all of lives, and lift all of us together into a unity of love, thought, action, and a new shared story of world healing and wholeness.  May the Word spontaneously arise from our SACRED SILENCE, and not from the chaos of our troubled past.

Those who have learned how to really listen, hear the “voice for God”. And, we finally get to live in the creation that Love provides for us all, when we accept Love’s vision as our own.

And, no, Father, in whatever form Father may take, I will never “shut up”


We all have had problems listening to each other. We all have had problems listening to ourselves. Yet, our stories must be told, and we must listen to the “other’s” story, with respect and compassion for ourselves, and for the other.

Every good story has an ending.

And, so do our bad stories.

What value is a story, if it is never told? What value is love, if it is never shared? What is the value of speaking, if nobody is even listening? What is the value of writing, if there is nobody left to read? We all have infinite value, whether it is ever recognized by another, or not. Discover, enjoy and celebrate INFINITY, rather than the limitations thrust upon us by the deafness of our culture and of our families of origin.

Sing your song, like your life depended on it, BECAUSE, IT DOES! All of our lives depend on each others stories. Those who will not listen to our story, and in turn, will not share their own story with us, are still stuck in their own story of repression and oppression. They are still unconscious participants in the Conspiracy Of Silence.

The sun shines, and the artist interprets its light upon the beautiful landscape, and paints a classic piece of art. The wolf howls in the lonely, cold, snow-covered wilderness, and, miraculously, another wolf a great distance away howls back at him, reassuring both that each other is still there. The bird sings alone in the forest, yet, a hiker stops for a moment, listens, and her heart begins to sing and soar with the bird. The divorced and lonely man sings in the shower, and the salesman at the door hears him, and is so impressed by the man’s voice that he encourages him to try out for a local band. An isolated man stumbles upon the miracle of silence within his being, and a resultant bridge of words subsequently connects this sacred silence to his latest writings, creating poetry and healing balms for all.

As I look at my life’s history, I bear witness to Love and its healing Mystery.

I have penetrated the Conspiracy of Silence, and I have lived well beyond my expiration date.  My “miracle experiment” continues in earnest. My world can never be the same

How about yours?



Presently, I am 67 years old, and I am learning how to live the life of a retired person. I am married to Sharon White, a retired hospice nurse, and writer. Whose Death Is It Anyway-A Hospice Nurse Remembers Sharon is a wonderful friend and life partner of nearly 30 years. We have three grandsons through two of Sharon's children. I am not a published writer or poet. My writings are part of my new life in retirement. I have recently created a blog, and I began filling it up with my writings on matters of recovery and spirituality. I saw that my blog contained enough material for a book, so that is now my new intention, to publish a book, if only so that my grandsons can get to know who their grandfather really was, once I am gone. The title for my first book will be: Penetrating The Conspiracy Of Silence, or, How I Lived Beyond My Expiration Date I have since written 7 more books, all of which are now posted on this site. I have no plans to publish any of them, as their material is not of general interest, and would not generate enough income to justify costs. I have taken a deep look at life, and written extensively about it from a unique and rarely communicated perspective. Some of my writing is from 2016 on to the present moment. Other writing covers the time prior to 1987 when I was a boy, then an addict and alcoholic, with my subsequent recovery experience, and search for "Truth". Others are about my more recent experiences around the subjects of death, dying, and transformation, and friends and family having the most challenging of life's experiences. There are also writings derived from my personal involvement with and insight into toxic masculinity, toxic religion, toxic capitalism, and all of their intersections with our leadere. These topics will not be a draw for all people, as such personal and/or cultural toxicities tends to get ignored, overlooked, or "normalized" by those with little time for insight, introspection, or interest in other people's points of view on these troubling issues. There also will be a couple of writings/musings about "GOD", but I try to limit that kind of verbal gymnastics, because it is like chasing a sunbeam with a flashlight. Yes, my books are non-fiction, and are not good reading for anybody seeking to escape and be entertained. Some of the writings are spiritual, philosophical and intellectual in nature, and some descend the depths into the darkest recesses of the human mind. I have included a full cross section of all of my thoughts and feelings. It is a classic "over-share", and I have no shame in doing so. A Master Teacher once spoke to me, and said "no teacher shall effect your salvation, you must work it out for yourself". "Follow new paths of consciousness by letting go of all of the mental concepts and controls of your past". This writing represents my personal work towards that ultimate end.