Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.—–Harriet Tubman


The number 42 is a number of significance in The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, by Douglas Adams.  This is the answer to the ultimate question of Life, the Universe and Everything, calculated by an enormous supercomputer named Deep Thought over a 7.5 million year period.
Will we be saved by the number 42?
I am not a hitchhiker, however, as I once was an electrician, and my personal supercomputer found another answer to the ultimate question—-ZER0!
The human race has become the measure of all things, through its use of the energy of words and language, and the tools of thought and technology.  Words, and all subsequent concepts derived from stringing words together into some sort of rational  evolving order,, are our measuring devices, or containers for this energy.
Naming is the way that our consciousness weighs and measures new forms of life, ideas and experiences, in the attempt to insert the unknown and the mysterious into a present context for understanding. Naming tends to attach a dynamic process to a fixed point in time and space, and thus lodges it in the past.  We must keep this in mind, and keep our minds open to new understandings, lest we institutionalize our inaccurate assessments into  our own dogmas, or permanent memories that are resistant to change.   If we have measured the world, and ourself, with a faulty tape measure, everything will remain out of balance, and distorted, and we will all come up short in each other’s understanding.. Our human history is the documentation of those inaccuracies.
Names are essential for communication, yet are never comprehensive and inclusive enough to completely reveal the true natures of what they were created for in our minds to represent in the first place. When names get gathered together to represent concepts, know that the real miracle of consciousness is about to be experienced, as we become invited into the worlds of abstraction and conscious evolution.  If our words are inaccurately measured, what hope do we have for the accuracy of our higher conceptual awareness?
Names, and our interpretations of them, change over the years,. We all attempt to establish internal modeling for an external reality that we witness, from our own unique perspective, while remaining “bonded” to a common knowledge reference point.  And we often live a second-hand life, using the verbal foundations, or bonding jumpers, provided to us by others throughout history to act as some sort of bridge to those possibilities that we have not yet creatively accessed on our own. It is imperative that we ask some difficult questions:
  • How do we weigh and measure our existence, and against which standard?
  • How do we compare and contrast, to discover for our self what a concept, or an object of reality’s,  true value might be?
  • What, within ourselves, do we have that enables us to establish a valid reference point for our measurements, so that there is consistency, not only within ourselves, but across the human population, as well?
Many of us love to be educated and enlightened by  the words and inspired messages from spirituality gurus, shamans or love inspired priests, quantum physicists, or well meaning physicians or therapists.  Umm, VERY, VERY FEW p;eople look to electricians for the Truth, though they sure love for us to remodel, repair and upgrade  the old, or install new electrical systems.  But the truth is that a person who completely understands one thing has access to the knowledge of EVERYTHING.
If any of us are truly Truth connected, then our messages, or “bonding jumpers” will be our temporary verbal bridge back to the internal source for peace and healing.  Some people travel far and wide to sit in the presence of those who claim they are “ONE” with, or grounded with the Truth.  Truth comes from only One Source,  however, and it requires an intense desire to find it, unless, like the great herd of humanity, we wish to just continue that second hand life experience.
Insight, intelligence and discernment to sort through the vast ocean of knowledge, and ignorance, created by historians, scientists, teachers, philosophers, the media, theologians, propagandists, pseudo-intellectuals and religious fundamentalists are required tools to find the precious oysters bearing the real Pearls of wisdom..  The hubris and clay feet  of many of our spiritual experts shows either their lack of success in making a consistent connection with our ground of being, or Truth, and/or our lack of understanding  of what that connection and subsequent behavior might actually look like.
(Mother) Earth is ground the world around—Universal teaching for electricians worldwide.

Mother Earth, amongst its almost infinite potential for creating and supporting life, has an electromagnetic nature, with its magnetic north and south poles.  Humans are electro-biological beings, also being made of Earth stuff, thus we are not only electromagnetically inspired, but also influenced by all of Mother Earth’s other characteristics.  Through a process of shared consciousness not yet fully understood by scientists and biologists, the life force field that constitutes our being exchanges information continuously with the environment, which shows that there may be unexpected outcomes for the human race with the loss of biodiversity through our heartless, reckless expansion through the .natural world.


Our bodies have over 50 trillion biologically and electrically interconnected cells that are totally derived from our ground of being, Mother Earth.  We are not only created from materials endemic to this planet, we are a minute version of Her…  We are also influenced by all of the forms of life which have derived their existence from this almost infinite ground of being.   Humanity has an extraordinary possibility for resonance with all of our natural world, if it would only rejoin it.  When we return to our source and connect with nature, our energetic frequency begins to change, and may actually appear to oscillate with the same frequency of life force as the Earth and the rest of its life forms

Imagine, if you will, that there are 7.5 billion mountain peaks on our planet, each one representing one human life.  And, imagine that each peak looks at the other peaks, and does not see that each peak is connected to the same Earth, and each peak would not exist without its support.  Now imagine that each peak wants to try to establish a connection with the other peaks.  The biggest bridge building project in history must be undertaken, to connect all of the peaks together.  Now imagine that these bridges are actually the energy of words, sentences, perceptions, and concepts.  These bridges are our “bonding jumpers” to each other, so hopefully we bond through mutual love and compassion, and not hatred and fear, though both are possible.  These bridges are equivalent to our collective consciousness, the matrix that verbally connects the entirety of humanity together.  Yet what about the connection to the Earth?  If the peak feels separate from its ground of support, what might bring connection back to the peak?  Can each peak find its own unique ground of support?  Can one postulate that the ground of our being calls out to the peaks to remember their true ground?  And will the Earth send messages to the peaks, to remind them of their origin?  Would one call those words  that bring awareness back to our true connection with the Earth “the word of God”?  These “inspired words” could be called our “grounding connections”.


Our modern world has encouraged us to become increasingly disconnected from nature. Civilization with its need for farming and cities has overrun vast tracks of the natural world, eliminating much of our spiritual and physical support.  We eat, sleep and live indoors, drive automobiles that are supported by insulating rubber tires, wear shoes that create a barrier to the Earth, work in offices with no plants or outdoor views, are subject to constant distraction and philosophical oppression and corruption from religious and political authorities, hyper-stimulated through smart phones and media obsession.. This 21st century lifestyle contributes to a  lack of connection with nature, which is the manifestation of our True Ground.


Without being connected to the Earth, we become ungrounded.  In at least a figurative sense, if not literally, we are constantly taking on frequencies that aren’t very supportive of our human minds and bodies; frequencies that conflict with our natural resonance.. Without grounding, it becomes difficult for us to discharge the frequencies that we’ve taken on board. We can even become controlled and oppressed by those chaotic energies.

Without a common reference point, our words and concepts will be out of phase with other reference points, minimizing harmonization with others.  Communication failures  resulting from conflicting frames of reference  creates stress and anxiety. Over time, it takes its toll on our mental and physical health too. Without a connection with the Earth, we don’t share in a healing common knowledge, negating or preventing any sense of supportive calm and well-being that happens naturally when we are earthed.

My whole life has been devoted to the understanding of reality, as promoted and supported by our political, social, and religious institutions, and finding sane pathways away from their collective insanity and malfeasance..

Ultimately,  healing, transformation, and enlightenment might be accessible, if we dare to consciously consider and directly address all cultural forces and their often times oppressive toxicities.  We need to also ask new questions, and seek new answers to old ones.
  • Can we continue in our old ways of thinking and behaving, and expect any new, or more intellectually, socially,  and spiritually evolved outcomes?
  • Can we troubleshoot and repair a complex system, be it mechanical, electro-mechanical, or human in nature?
  • Would you visit a thrift store to look for materials for your solar array?
  • Would you buy a new stereo amplifier made of old vacuum tubes?
  • Would you try to fly a biplane to the stars?
  • Would you continue to bring more human babies into the world, while humanity is so divided, and has such a high adult mental and physcial health failure rate?
  • Is that old 1962 transistor radio where you first heard a Beatles song still working?
  • Is there any relationship between technology advances, and the improvement, or lack of it, of the human condition?
  • Would you pour new wine into old wine skins?

    Technology is always improving, yet the forces of resistance and impedance, reluctance, and friction generated heat  are always present in any system, be it electrical, mechanical, or human, in nature.  Everything has a life cycle associated with it, starting with its birth and/or introduction into the world, and its exit through deterioration  and death. As we remember from our high school physics class and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, every closed system of energy will experience entropy, unpredictability, chaos, and eventual destruction through the effects of friction and heating.

    There is a human equivalent to this 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and we see it arise in people, and in societies, that fiercely cling to the past, with all of its outdated structures of understanding.  The more that cognitive dissonance arises between our intuition, understanding, and personal knowledge and the socially accepted norms and dogmas of the day, the more conflict, friction, and inflammatory responses will be experienced by everyone.  Human energy systems, like parachutes, work the best when they open up.  If a philosophy of continuous process improvement (evolution) has been adopted, then functioning may be stabilized, or actually improved, all the way through to the end of the engineered system’s, or human being’s, life cycle.

    I am an expert in electrical connections, having been an electrical/electronic/computer engineering student for six years in the 1970’s and 1980’s, and an electrician from 1980 until my retirement in 2016.  I have found much in my field of expertise in electrical theory that models many aspects of spirituality and its potential for human empowerment.in a process control theory class that I took with fifteen  other electricians in 1992, I observed and was impressed by how these feedback and feedforward dependent control systems resembled the functions  and internal workings of our human minds,  especially with activities like goal setting and achieving..  I spoke up to the teacher about my observation.  He was impressed with my insight, and stated that we all work with practical electrical theory, with some gaining a nodding familiarity with its esoteric principles and teachings, and NO SECRET HANDSHAKE IS REQUIRED FOR ADMISSION, but, in Oregon, make sure that you are licensed! .
    A primary law of consciousness itself is that all that we see are extensions of our own minds, which is just another form of energy.  Remember, everything that we see or experience is ENERGY, either in its potential (resting) or kinetic (action) form.   And we are ENERGY, with an infinite capacity to do work, or to be at rest.  The words, concepts, and languages that we utilize help us to build energy, store it, and then utilize it in ways that are resonant with our concept of our greater good..  Yet, will these ideas be appropriate for the enhancement of the greater good of humanity, and Mother Earth?

    Photograph circa 2002 from the roof of an Intel production fab in Aloha, Oregon.

    Electricity, like language, spirituality and truth, requires no belief, only an understanding of its potential for either empowering us  or bringing harm to us if we remain ignorant of all of their supporting laws..Electricity is electrons in movement, concepts are words in movement, and spirituality is love in movement. By definition, any energy that moves over time is doing work, and all of their  energies can be harnessed to do the work necessary for the betterment of mankind..
    Electricity does not exist without a difference in potential energy, or voltage, between components, and a completed or closed loop circuit to carry its energy, with a common reference potential. .  Spirituality and truth, to the as yet unawakened individual, are also manifestations of the difference in potential energy between a person’s collective self concept and any ground of being or ultimate truth that exists.  Words are continuously being formed in our minds to bridge that gap, in our own sometimes vain attempt to measure and understand our elusive ground energy of consciousness, which may be immeasurable, yet it must become our common reference point, lest we continue to build into our human systems increasing divisive thinking, volatility and incoherence..
    By internationally accepted electrical standards, ground potential is set to ZERO volts, and all derived or existing voltages are referenced to that ground, or zeroed voltage.  Literally, the safety and operational integrity of any system is preserved, protected, and SAVED BY ZERO, or a common ground potential. .
    Electricians are required to learn the philosophy of grounding, so as to prevent safety issues from arising, or accidents from happening.  Grounding and bonding techniques are utilized for the design and proper functioning of any electrical system.  Ground” in the power-distribution grid is literally the ground that’s all around you when you are walking outside. It is the dirt, rocks, groundwater and so on …Mother Earth is the direct source for all successful grounding, though bonding between discrete components and building structures supplies the necessary conductor paths to make sure that those circuits have a consistent reference potential grid tied to Mother Earth.

    As a young lad, I had a next door neighbor friend who I helped to build an underground fort with.  We would tell our parents that we were “camping out” in the yard, then after they went to bed, we would “hot wire” a cord to a light, which we would use to illuminate the inside of our expanding cave.  One time, I became the ground path, when I brushed up against the exposed hot lead to the lamp.  I screamed, shook, and struggled to free myself from the ground circuit I had become part of, and, by good fortune,  i shook free and my life was saved.  Another time, as an apprentice electrician, I had opened up a junction box, and saw some sparking under a big blue wire nut (used to hold multiple conductors together under one connection point).  Without thinking, I reached out for the wire nut, to  tighten it.  The insulation had broken down from the arcing, and I became the ground for a 277 volt lighting circuit.   I was able to jerk my hand free, but other electricians, and home owners,  have been much less fortunate.

    You have never known a more helpless feeling than being an unintentional ground, and the two near electrocution stories have stayed with me my entire life..Yet, what about those other broken connections, the ones human in nature, that have brought great harm to us and others?  What about that boss who has built up a huge anger charge,  just waiting to discharge it through some unwitting recipient?  Or how about that religious fundamentalist who bullies or cajoles everyone who does not believe in the same biblical narrative that he was inculcated with?  Who hasn’t ever wanted to ground out that obnoxious narrative?  We never know who is just waiting to use our life to discharge their own negative energy through, do we?

    Grounding is a process of connecting electrical systems, appliances, and metal enclosure to a common reference point, which is, typically, the potential of the ground that Mother Earth provides.  Grounding provides a low resistance path for electricity to flow, and is part of the return path for any complete circuit.

    Reference potentials in real life human experience of consciousness itself helps to stabilize connections and provide stability and extra predictability to relationships.  If all people share a common knowledge and understanding, there will be no catastrophic failures within the communications aspects of the social network.


    The best spiritual reference point is also Mother Earth.  If the materials of Mother Earth are remembered to be the source for all life, then whatever true potential that we have is sourced through that sacred connection.  A great way to stay spiritually grounded and bonded is to remember our true source, and to remember that we are of Mother Earth, and may consciously carry that spiritual energy into all of our relationships.  As the Mother loves us, so we must bring that motherly love to ALL of our relationships,  This dynamic energy exchange is a form of entrainment, or resonance.

    We need a real awakening, enlightenment, to change our way of thinking and seeing things. To breathe in and be aware of your body and look deeply into it, realize you are the Earth and your consciousness is also the consciousness of the Earth.”  ~Thich Nhat Hanh

    So what might a personal experience of “Ground” look and feel like?  Keep in mind that mystics and saints, and electricians, each have their own unique experience and representation of their personal experience of our ground of being. My experience in 1992 at Lookinglass Lake, in the Mt Adams wilderness area is one possibility for the direct experience of “Ground”.

    Lookinglass Lake, Mt. Adams, Aug 1992

    I awoke one morning during the summer of 1992, and finished preparing to leave on a weekend hiking and camping trip with Sharon, up to the Mt. Adams Wilderness Area.  We were planning to backpack into Lookinglass Lake, about a ten mile hike one way.

    My senses were somehow heightened, and I felt as though I could see and hear better than I was accustomed to.  Food tasted better, the air carried many more scents, and my entire body felt alive with vitality, and sensation, well beyond what I was accustomed to experiencing in my day to day life.  I had to work that day, so I ignored my “extra sensory perception” for most of the work day, though I remained excited about joining with my beloved partner Sharon on the  hike.

    Our drive took longer than expected, and we arrived in the Mt Adams Wilderness area too late to reach the developed campground we wanted to use as a basecamp, so we parked for the night in a snow park area, and set up our tent to shelter for the evening.  We sat outside of the tent, and I began to experience, in its fullness, that “extrasensory perception” yet again, but much more profoundly this time. It was as if I had sensory receptors in the dirt, the sky, and the trees.  It was as if I had grown roots, so to speak. I not only could see the ground all around us, and the beautiful trees, and the sky, I could FEEL the ground, and it was as if I extended all the way through everywhere that I could see.  It was the experience, in a new form, of “all that I can see is myself”.  It was like I was “hearing” and “seeing” and “feeling” for all of nature that surrounded us, and it was a profound mystical, transcendental event.

    We finally lay down for the evening in our tent, and though I was still quite profoundly experiencing this event, I was able to fall asleep beside my beloved.  Shortly afterward, I awoke to a great light enveloping our tent, and I arose to go outside to see what was happening.  In the sky appeared a Great Light, and the entire surrounding area was bathed in a light that totally eliminated all shadows, even though it was near midnight!  I awoke Sharon, who rose to witness the light.  To this day, I have no clue if the light is associated with my “heightened mystic awareness”, or if it was just a coincidence that a UFO would awaken us to bathe us in its radiance.

    After we returned home, I told my mother about the light, and she reported that the week before, a mysterious light in the Mt Adams wilderness area was also reported in the Oregonian newspaper,, so who knows what was happening there?

    There is only One Creator.  There is no reason that we cannot be attuned with ALL OF ITS CREATIONS, including all willing members of the human, animal, plant, geological, and, uh, “alien” races..

    When we touch our Self with deep awareness, we touch everything

    Mother Earth is fully conscious, in a way we do not yet fully understand, yet, we can all eventually  resonate with Her. . . .

    I have touched our Mother Earth with the deepest of awareness.

    I love and treasure our Mother Earth.

    How about you?

    Looking back at my life’s history, I remain immersed in the light of its Mystery.

    Consciousness can be modeled through many theories, and represented by many metaphors.  I continue to use electrical theory as one modeling technique, because that is my background, while also providing good referential understanding.  As has been seen elsewhere, I also like mythology and archetype based imagery to assist in explanatory, and exploratory, models.

    One of the more valuable categories of circuitry is the RLC circuit, which has its human equivalent in consciousness, in which resonance may appear.   Resonance has fascinating capacities for both an electrical and human circuit.  Resonance extends its influence beyond its own physical boundaries, to influence surrounding circuits, or other humans.  For electrical circuits, the capacity and quality of the resonance is dependent upon three factors.  For human circuits, the capacity and quality of the resonance can figuratively be based upon those three primary factors, to the extent that we can model our consciousness through the RLC metaphor..

    In electrical theory and practice, there are three qualities that characterize each resonating circuit.  They are named

    • Capacitance
    • Inductance
    • Resistance/Impedance

    Capacitance, as far as human consciousness is concerned, denotes our ability to store energy, and then release it, as the situation may dictate.  We really need to build up a charge, before we are inspired to communicate, or to take action in the world, don’t we?  Hopefully, we are not constantly charging our hate, lust, or greed capacitors, and instead charge more healthy collaborative ideals.  Trauma gets electrically attached to our body, becoming unconscious charge centers that influence every other charge center in our consciousness.  I have come to name these centers black holes.

    Capacitance is the ratio of the amount of electric charge stored on a conductor to a difference in electric potential. There are two closely related notions of capacitance: self capacitance and mutual capacitance.[ Any object that can be electrically charged exhibits self capacitance. In this case the electric potential difference is measured between the object and ground. A material with a large self capacitance holds more frequencies. charge at a given potential difference than one with low capacitance.  We can easily see the human parallel.  If I am storing a big charge on one side of an emotional issue, and you are storing a charge which appears as an opposite polarity, there definitely will be major mutual capacitance.

    Does our planet Earth have a capacitance?
    The electrical capacitance of earth C= 710 μF.  Its spiritual capacitance may be infinite.
    Do humans have a capacitance?
    Every person has an electrical capacitance of around 100pF.  Our spiritual capacitance may be infinite, as well.

    Inductance,  as far as human consciousness is concerned, also has its parallel.  We all have a resistance to change, yet we all carry a vast field of energy within us, just waiting to move in harmony within us  and the world under the right conditions.   The greatest potential differences happen with the highest rate of change of charge flow, or current.  If you want to develop your highest potential, make sure to find your proper reference ground, and allow all of your static stored charges to become dynamic and discharge them rapidly, rather than continuing to store them in a static field.

    Inductance is the tendency of an electrical conductor to oppose a change in the electric current flowing through it. The flow of electric current creates a magnetic field around the conductor. The field strength depends on the magnitude of the current, and follows any changes in current. From Faraday’s law of induction, any change in magnetic field through a circuit induces an electromotive force (EMF) (voltage) in the conductors, a process known as electromagnetic induction. This induced voltage created by the changing current has the effect of opposing the change in current, though it never opposes it enough to stop the process, it only dampens it.

    Resistance, as far as human consciousness is concerned, may point to any number of attitudes  we may adopt, and actions we may take.  If we were perfect conductors for Life, there would be no resistance, yet there would be no capacity for human energy storage or exchange.  In a RLC circuit, resistance keeps a circuit from oscillating until eternity, instead dampening its action, until it eventually dies out. Yet, if another person engages with us who still is charged with the possibilities of any particular concept or ideology, our ideas can be re-energized through the previously discussed resonance principle.

    There are no perfect conductors in our world, save those cooled to, wait for this, Absolute Zero temperature..  Some might theorize that enlightened people have zero resistance to Life, thus they have no need to store energy.  This might explain why they appear to need to do so little actual work in the world, while actually being a clearer channel for the intentions of our reference potential, or ground..

    The electrical resistance of an object is a measure of its opposition to the flow of electric current.. Electrical resistance shares some conceptual parallels with mechanical friction, as well as its important role within human consciousness itself.  Have you ever felt a little “resistance” to new people, ideas, or experiences?

    The resistance of an object depends in large part on the material it is made of. Objects made of electrical insulators like rubber tend to have very high resistance and low conductivity, while objects made of electrical conductors like metals tend to have very low resistance and high conductivity. This relationship is quantified by resistivity or conductivity. The nature of a material is not the only factor in resistance and conductance, however; it also depends on the size and shape of an object because these properties are extensive rather than intensive. For example, a wire’s resistance is higher if it is long and thin, and lower if it is short and thick. All objects resist electrical current, except for superconductors, which have a resistance of zero.

    The human equivalents are obvious here.  Some people are more resistant to other people’s ideas, or to change itself, than others.  Biologically, we have an immune system that we count on to being resistant to any change that brings biological harm to ourselves, thus antibodies are created.  At the level of human consciousness, our resistance to false narratives, racist or misogynist ideologies, or ignorant attacks against innocent life inspires our own macro version of “anti-bodies”, where we directly address and confront offending parties and their abhorrent philosophies, and keep them from spreading like the virus that they are.

    Resonant or RLC circuitry

    A form of human resonance occurs when large numbers of humans physically congregate together to protest against injustices, share in an idea, a musical group and their music, a pep-talk to affirm personal value for students at the local high school, join in a destructive mob mind of a group of insurectionists and recists.or any of at least a million other reasons to humanly bond.  Humans truly have the capacity to resonate with each other, for better, or for worse. Without a common ground, or reference point, resonance will not lead to further stability of the whole human network, as it introduces yet more instability into the system.


    What are the essential components within an electrical, or human, system, that creates this form of energy exchange?

    An RLC circuit is an electrical circuit consisting of a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor, connected in series or in parallel. The RLC part of the name is due to those letters being the usual electrical symbols for resistance, inductance and capacitance respectively. The circuit forms a harmonic oscillator for current and resonates similarly to an LC circuit. The main difference stemming from the presence of the resistor is that any oscillation induced in the circuit decays over time if it is not kept going by a source. This effect of the resistor is called damping. Some resistance is unavoidable in real circuits, even if a resistor is not specifically included as a separate component.

    There are many applications for this circuit. It is used in many different types of oscillator circuits. An important application is for tuning, such as in radio receivers or television sets, where they are used to select a narrow range of frequencies from the ambient radio waves. In this role the circuit is often referred to as a tuned circuit.


    What about the human capacity to create their own “tuned circuit”.?  Our knowledge, concepts, and language are the very carriers of energy in our human consciousness circuitry, and they all need an extreme tune-up, if we are to survive as a species.


    If we can find  the silence at the end of our own self-centered narrative, we will be able to hear the pleas for help from our Mother Earth and all of her sacred inhabitants.  We then find that our real human potential is actualized  only through a conscious relationship with the very ground of being from which we all have arisen—Elisha Scott
    There is nothing better in life, than both connecting with the sacred silence within one’s self, and deeply and honestly communicating with other human beings.  And if we accept our roles as stewards over the animal and plant kingdoms, and Mother Earth Herself, we may also be afforded a personalized view into the True Miracle Of Life, which is our unity with all of creation.. This requires no belief or dogma, only a direct experience of its love,  power and potential…Through this collective connection of consciousnesses to an Earth ground, or reference point, we will travel new paths of consciousness that will lead to better communication, and improved stewardship over Mother Earth’s creations.
    We will remember that Life is a Miracle, if we can start from
    If we devote ourselves to Life’s highest values of truth. Love for all life, intelligence, compassion, empathy, beauty, bliss, and wisdom, our grounded reference starting point, at Zero, will assist us in creating new paths of consciousness, and we can be
    We don’t need to hitchhike on alien spaceships to far away worlds to find our fundamental Truth, for if we do not find it on Mother Earth, we will not find it elsewhere.
    And, we don’t need an alien supercomputer to figure this one out.
    Every single human being on this planet has a different potential energy, created and sustained through the countless concepts that have been integrated throughout life to establish and maintain the sense of self.  Our differences need not destabilize our world, if we use our words to bond with each other, and all seek to share a same/similar ultimate reference point. Then, our shared Life Affirming concepts will bring RESONANCE between all who are grounded well enough to share in them. These energy exchange dynamics will be extensively explored in the next chapter where the miracle of empathy is explored.
    I remain intensely interested in connections, focusing on those that are primarily human in nature.  I remain fascinated with our true ground of being, Mother Earth and her timeless teachings..  I celebrate the ability of our hearts and minds to join together within our own lives  the larger community that constitutes human civilization, and the animal and plant world..  I lament the primary issues preventing such spirituality, and enhanced loving, healing, compassionate, and empathetic interconnection, though I am hopeful for the human race.. We all must realize that we are negatively impacted by trauma, toxic capitalism, toxic religion, and toxic masculinity,  with its many toxic styles of gun ownership.   These forces have a cumulative impact upon our sense of self and connection with the Earth, and these are causative forces preventing healing connections..

    the ungrounded members of humanity cause the problems that are dominating our world.

    By definition, Mother Earth is set to zero volts, and all other voltages are derived in relation to that value, and, thus,  proper circuit operation is guaranteed..
    We all can get grounded to our Mother Earth, and be saved by ZERO!
    As I continue my intense inner journey, and exploration of human consciousness, I see how our lack of connection to Nature, Mother Earth, and each other is destroying us, and the planet.
    Life is connection, connection is life.
    Continued addiction to
    • poor self esteem,
    • consumerism,
    • indifference to others,
    • emotional hiding and mutual deception,
    • media distraction, and
    • the callous disregard of the health and safety of our planet
    leads to further disconnection, disempowerment, illusion, and spiritual and emotional sickness, disease, and death.
    Distraction, or connection, it is our choice.
    Will we be saved by ZERO?
    Get those bonding jumpers prepared!
    Categories: Musings


    Presently, I am 67 years old, and I am learning how to live the life of a retired person. I am married to Sharon White, a retired hospice nurse, and writer. Whose Death Is It Anyway-A Hospice Nurse Remembers Sharon is a wonderful friend and life partner of nearly 30 years. We have three grandsons through two of Sharon's children. I am not a published writer or poet. My writings are part of my new life in retirement. I have recently created a blog, and I began filling it up with my writings on matters of recovery and spirituality. I saw that my blog contained enough material for a book, so that is now my new intention, to publish a book, if only so that my grandsons can get to know who their grandfather really was, once I am gone. The title for my first book will be: Penetrating The Conspiracy Of Silence, or, How I Lived Beyond My Expiration Date I have since written 7 more books, all of which are now posted on this site. I have no plans to publish any of them, as their material is not of general interest, and would not generate enough income to justify costs. I have taken a deep look at life, and written extensively about it from a unique and rarely communicated perspective. Some of my writing is from 2016 on to the present moment. Other writing covers the time prior to 1987 when I was a boy, then an addict and alcoholic, with my subsequent recovery experience, and search for "Truth". Others are about my more recent experiences around the subjects of death, dying, and transformation, and friends and family having the most challenging of life's experiences. There are also writings derived from my personal involvement with and insight into toxic masculinity, toxic religion, toxic capitalism, and all of their intersections with our leadere. These topics will not be a draw for all people, as such personal and/or cultural toxicities tends to get ignored, overlooked, or "normalized" by those with little time for insight, introspection, or interest in other people's points of view on these troubling issues. There also will be a couple of writings/musings about "GOD", but I try to limit that kind of verbal gymnastics, because it is like chasing a sunbeam with a flashlight. Yes, my books are non-fiction, and are not good reading for anybody seeking to escape and be entertained. Some of the writings are spiritual, philosophical and intellectual in nature, and some descend the depths into the darkest recesses of the human mind. I have included a full cross section of all of my thoughts and feelings. It is a classic "over-share", and I have no shame in doing so. A Master Teacher once spoke to me, and said "no teacher shall effect your salvation, you must work it out for yourself". "Follow new paths of consciousness by letting go of all of the mental concepts and controls of your past". This writing represents my personal work towards that ultimate end.