Chapter 3:  Harnessing Electrical Theory to Illuminate the Enigma of Consciousness

The human mind, an intricate tapestry of thoughts, emotions, and experiences, remains one of the greatest enigmas at the heart of our very existence. Consciousness, the intimate sense of self-awareness that characterizes our every waking moment, cannot be palpated, quantified, or dissected, yet it’s as real as the air we breathe.

Many have embarked on the Herculean task of demystifying consciousness, wielding an armory of theories from the abstract to the scientifically tangible. Within this quest, I see the integration of electrical theory as a helpful and formidable lens through which we can examine the kaleidoscopic nature of consciousness.

Drawing parallels between the human mind and electrical constructs is more than a mere intellectual exercise; it’s an acknowledgment of the underlying and overlapping principles that govern both realms.

The brain’s neural pathways echo the intricate wiring of a circuit board, with billions of neurons firing in patterned sequences much like currents coursing through a predefined circuit. Synapses, akin to electric connections, function as conduits of information, empowering the mind to perform feats that far surpass a supercomputer’s prowess, with an elegance and efficiency that technology strives to emulate.

Electrical theory offers a referential understanding that resonates with our empirical observations of the world. It speaks a language that is familiar to us, a narrative steeped in energy, flow, resistance, capacitance, and potential. And who better to expound upon these correlations than me, with an electrical background where these concepts are not abstract, but rather elemental to my very thinking?

There’s an alluring symmetry in how we discuss ideas and electricity using metaphors. We talk about the ‘spark’ of inspiration, the ‘current’ of thoughts, or the ‘shock’ of realization. These are not merely poetic flourishes; they are testaments to how the behavior of electricity mirrors our cognitive processes. Just as electricity requires a conducive medium to propagate, so too does consciousness thrive on the rich substrate of our minds, channeling through dendritic networks to give birth to innovation and insight.

Furthermore, consider how we use resistors within electrical circuits to moderate and control the flow of current, preventing damage and allowing for precise operation. Similarly, our brains employ neurotransmitters as regulators of synaptic activity, modulating thought and reaction, insulating against the overabundance of stimuli and modulating the noise that bombard us incessantly.

Admittedly, consciousness cannot be fully encapsulated within the framework of electrical theory, for it encompasses a spectrum far wider than what such a comparison allows. And yet, this does not diminish the value of exploration through this window. Much like alternating currents, perspectives on consciousness oscillate between disciplines, each offering its own rhythm and wavelength to our understanding. The polarity of viewpoints—scientific and philosophical, empirical and intuitive—serves not to confound but to enrich our comprehension.

Far from being a reductive approach, the application of electrical theory illuminates new facets, challenges preconceived limits, and sparks innovation in thought.  The exploration of consciousness is an iterative process, an evolving circuit of inquiry that grows more profound with each addition to the body of knowledge. Electrical theories contribute to this growth, providing not only structural analogies but also fostering a deeper, systemic understanding of how consciousness may emerge from the ceaseless interplay between energy and matter, signal and response.

It is through the synthesis of diverse perspectives that we inch closer to the core of this great enigma. The circuitry of the mind beckons—and with each theoretical and metaphorical connection we draw, the brighter the light of comprehension shines on the shadowy realm of consciousness.

And remember, as far as we now see, or will ever see, unto eternity, is ourselves. As we witness electrical theory in action, we witness aspects of the workings of our minds and their self-concepts as they play against the background of our infinite universe..  This same principle extends from electrical all the way to quantum theory, where we see not only how capable we are now, but also how amazing we can become in the future..

Electricity as a Metaphor for the Foundational Forces of Life

Electricity is a powerful metaphor for the fundamental phenomena that shape our existence. Like language or our connection to Mother Earth, electricity is extraordinarily empowering and inherently dangerous if misunderstood or misapplied. It does not demand belief to function. It simply requires understanding—the recognition of its laws that govern potential and flow.

Similarly, the art of measurement relies on understanding rather than faith, whether applied to physical systems or the abstract nature of consciousness; much like electricity, it is a tool—neutral in essence, yet capable of profound impact depending on how it is harnessed. Used mindfully, it empowers us to uncover hidden truths and push the boundaries of what we perceive possible. Used irresponsibly or left untapped, it risks chaos, harm, or stagnation.

The comparison between the control systems I studied in 1992 and the inner dynamics of the human mind raises significant questions about the potential for consciousness. What could we achieve if we learned to understand and measure our thoughts and actions with the same precision we apply to electrical currents or mechanical systems?  Is this internal inquiry where the process of mindfulness finds its origin?

Feedback and feedforward, critical process control aspects provide a fascinating lens. Feedback helps correct errors, ensuring balance and stability. Feedforward anticipates disruptions, allowing systems to adapt proactively. These mechanisms are not just theoretical constructs but are deeply embedded in how we think, make decisions, and pursue goals. Recognizing this reality empowers us to align our internal processes better, creating a life that is not only balanced but also purpose-driven.

Yet, accessing this hidden knowledge of how our minds work—and how it connects to the broader systems of reality—requires effort. It demands that we step beyond the surface-level functionality of our lives and explore the more profound principles that govern our existence. In these explorations, we discover the essence of our consciousness—the understanding that everything, from the flow of electricity to the structure of language to the rhythms of nature, is interconnected and governed by underlying laws, and they operate perfectly whether we understand them or not.

Ultimately, consciousness is directed by the  choices we make. It is about the decision to remain passive or actively engage with our reality’s deeper workings. The tools are there, waiting for us to pick them up—no secret societies or exclusive memberships. All it takes is curiosity, observation, and a willingness to learn.

The art of measurement, whether applied to external systems or the depths of our consciousness, is less about numbers and data and more about gaining clarity. It is about understanding how the seen and unseen forces of life—like electricity, language, the movement of time, our connection to nature, or so-called God consciousness—can either empower us or harm us, depending on our awareness of the laws that govern them.

This is the invitation I offer to those who read these words. Step beyond your current understanding. Look deeper into the systems and patterns that surround you. Whether through science, enlightened religion, spirituality, philosophy, or introspection, the path to foundational consciousness is open. You simply have to walk through the door.

Simple Human Circuits: An Electrician’s Guide to Our Galaxy —Living Life on the Widest Frequency

What if the mysteries of human consciousness and spirituality could be understood through the lens of electrical circuits? Could the way energy flows through wires and resistors mirror the way our thoughts, emotions, and connections manifest in the world? These questions form the foundation of an unexpected and profound truth—the human experience and the fundamental principles of electricity may not be as different as we think.

Both systems, whether powered by electrons or by the energy of thought and consciousness, rely on balance, flow, and connection. By understanding these parallels and adopting a “systems thinking” approach, we can better grasp our place in the universe, address lingering disconnections within ourselves and society, and realign with the ultimate ground—Mother Earth.

The Electric Circuit of Consciousness

At its core, the simplest electrical circuit is an elegant metaphor for human consciousness. Consider this:

  • An electron flows through a circuit when there is a difference in potential energy, or voltage, between two points.
  • Energy from a source moves through a load, enabling work to be done (lighting a bulb, powering a motor) before returning to its source—completing the circuit.
  • The system relies on grounding—a stable reference point, often connected to the Earth, to prevent chaos or instability.

Our consciousness operates much the same way.

  • Thoughts can be likened to electrons, moving from our conceptual “self” (the voltage source) to the “known” (an observation, insight, or new understanding).
  • The work occurs in the exchange of energy—assigning meaning, emotion, and perspective to the things we perceive.
  • But without proper grounding—a connection to something universal, like nature, truth, or the collective human experience—our systems may devolve into chaos and imbalance.

Ohm’s Law, which states that in a closed circuit, the sum of voltages must equal zero, is reflected in the human process of perception and understanding. By naming, categorizing, and ultimately making sense of what we observe, the knower (self) and the known (object/experience) harmonize in a completed energetic exchange.

Humans are unique in how they use words to bridge the gap between self-awareness and the world around them. Words, much like electrons, carry potential energy. When used with intent, they become kinetic—an energy of movement that reshapes perceptions, builds understanding, and fosters connection.

When we communicate, we create completed “circuits” between ourselves and others. Each word becomes a “load”—a piece of meaning or knowledge shared and transformed. A healthy exchange requires grounding, shared reference points, and—like in electrical systems—a minimum of resistance for efficient operation.

However, the human circuit is often overloaded in today’s hyper-stimulated society. Information ricochets without grounding, causing disconnection, anxiety, and other systemic “short circuits.” Society forces upon us dependence on a very strong ego, which can become a source of great resistance to new ideas and the capacity for loving friction-free communication.  Restoring equilibrium and reducing resistance requires mindful practices, much like repairing an unstable electrical system.

Grounding is essential in electrical systems to maintain stability. For humans, Mother Earth serves as a spiritual and physical ground—a reference potential that connects us to a shared origin and truth. Yet, in modern life, we’ve severed much of this connection.

Our buildings insulate us from the Earth. Our constant distractions—smartphones, media, relentless schedules—keep us detached from natural rhythms. This disconnection leaves us “ungrounded,” amplifying frequencies that disturb our bodies, relationships, and societies.

  • Miscommunication and failed relationships, as differing frames of reference clash instead of harmonizing.
  • Chronic stress and anxiety, as unchecked inputs, overwhelm our “circuits.”
  • Environmental degradation, as humanity forgets its responsibility to the planet that sustains it.

The convergence of ancient spiritual practices and modern electrical theory offers a roadmap for healing. Just as electricians use grounding and bonding techniques to integrate new systems safely, humans must revisit their connection to natural and spiritual truths to integrate modern advancements.

  1. Meditation with Intention

Like in meditative practices, where focusing on a mantra completes an internal circuit, grounding begins with an inward focus. We must first stabilize our inner energy to connect meaningfully with the outside world.

  1. Connection with Nature

Walking barefoot on soil, planting a garden, or spending uninterrupted time outdoors can realign your personal “frequency” with Mother Earth.

  1. Cultivating Shared Understanding

As societies, we need common grounds—whether through universal truths, shared wisdom, or ethical frameworks. Just as a constant reference point stabilizes an electrical system, a shared moral ground fosters harmony.

  1. Building Resilience in Communication

Ask yourself if your “circuit” with others is open and balanced. Are your words constructive or loaded with unchecked charges? Seek clarity and intent in all exchanges.

The greatest spiritual and philosophical challenge we face today is not technological innovation—it’s the lack of balance between progress and grounding principles. Technology evolves rapidly, yet the systems that sustain our humanity—our connection to nature, shared values, and personal awareness—struggle to catch up.

Without deep grounding, societal circuits begin to break. The dissonance from hyper-consumerism, exploitive practices, or divisive ideologies generates friction that could ultimately burn out the system.

But if we adopt mindful practices—ground ourselves in patience, humility, and reverence for interconnected life—we stand a chance to not only repair what is broken but to build something extraordinary. Like a team of master electricians troubleshooting a system, we can learn to stabilize and elevate humanity’s “frequency.”

Take a moment to meditate upon the power of perception and our connection—with fellow humans and the Earth itself. What would it mean to live thoroughly grounded, resonating at the fullest frequency of life?

Just as an ungrounded electrical circuit can spark instability, an ungrounded society risks falling apart. Realigning with nature, truth, and universal principles isn’t merely a comforting concept—it’s essential.”reference potential” for lasting harmony.

We invite you to explore this grounding process further. Sit with a word today—a mantra, perhaps, or a symbol that reflects your values—and observe its energy within you. Reflect on its potential and kinetic manifestations in your thoughts and actions.

For in grounding ourselves, individually and collectively, we harness our most sacred energy as creators of balance, wisdom, and connection. Like wires conducting electricity, our lives are circuits connecting the seen and unseen, the known and mysterious, the self and the infinite.

Find your ground, and together, we just might transform the entire system.

The Electrical Circuit of Group Learning

(from here down, consider drastic edit and add reference drawing to show simple parallel and series circuit).

I am going to present some unique insights that have rarely, if ever, been presented before in this fashion. Prepare yourself for my creative interpretation of series and parallel curcuits, in regards to teaching and learning.

Electricity and education are not often found in the same sentence, but their underlying principles share an uncanny resemblance. To borrow from the parlance of physics, teaching to a group can be likened to impressing a voltage on parallel electrical circuits, where the energy source – the teacher – powers numerous receivers or participants. In contrast, there’s another form of educational energy exchange, akin to a series electrical circuit, where each member contributes, amplifying the voltage collectively.

Understanding these parallels can shed light on the dynamics of group learning, illuminating the need for a balanced approach that leverages the strengths of both types of circuits. In a world where collaboration and co-creation are increasingly valued, this exploration is not just academic; it’s a practical guidepost for educators and learners alike.

The traditional teacher-to-student approach resembles a parallel circuit. The teacher serves as the source voltage, with knowledge and expertise flowing to students as potential differences. This model, characterized by a unilateral transfer of power, has long been the linchpin of formal education.

There are clear benefits to this paradigm. The teacher, acting as a bottleneck for information, ensures a cohesive and structured learning experience. Students, in turn, receive a standardized voltage, providing a baseline education across the board. It’s a system optimized for efficiency and clarity – qualities that have, for better or worse, become synonymous with a quality education.

Yet, just as in an electrical system, there are limitations to this model. The voltage supplied by the teacher rarely exceeds the source voltage, meaning that individual bursts of energy or insights from students are often dampened or underutilized. In this setup, the capacity for students to innovate, think critically, and contribute to the shared educational current is somewhat stifled. The parallel circuit, therefore, is not conducive to fostering the divergent thought and individual growth so crucial in today’s rapidly evolving knowledge economy.

In contrast, the ‘series’ circuit of education underscores a paradigm shift from teacher-centric to a more collaborative one. Here, knowledge is co-constructed as opposed to being transmitted, with every participant contributing to and hence, amplifying the educational voltage.

Under this circuit, every learner becomes a source of energy, pedaling the educational bicycle forward. Discussion, debate, and collaborative projects become the conduits through which the group’s intellectual energy is harnessed and multiplied. Students, in essence, become both receptors and transmitters, creating an educational experience that is as dynamic and diverse as the students themselves.

This approach fosters an environment where teamwork, innovation, and diverse perspectives are not only valued but are essential components of the educational experience. By allowing the voltage to rise through the combined effort of the group, the series circuit encourages the development of critical thinking, communication skills, and adaptability – qualities that are increasingly becoming the hallmarks of a successful and well-rounded education.

Balancing the Load: A Hybrid Educational Approach

Despite the merits of both circuits, the binary choice between parallel and series is artificial and limiting. What’s needed is a hybrid approach, one that recognizes the value of structured teaching while also harnessing the power of collaborative learning. It’s about striking a balance that respects the expertise of the teacher but also empowers students to be active participants in their learning process.

In practical terms, this balance could be realized through ‘flipped classrooms,’ where students engage with instructional content outside of class and come together to collaborate, discuss, and apply concepts with the guidance of their teacher. It may also involve project-based learning, where students take the lead in their educational journeys, with educators serving as facilitators of inquiry and discovery.

By leveraging the strengths of both circuits, we can create a learning environment that is not only efficient and structured but also dynamic and adaptable. Students, in such a system, are not just recipients of knowledge but creators of it, contributing to and shaping the collective current of their educational experience.

My own spiritual path has been a testament to the power of integrating parallel and series circuits in group learning. I recall classes where a teacher’s passionate lecture electrified the room, infusing students with a palpable sense of wonder and curiosity. Equally memorable were collaborative projects. group discussions, and meditations that led to a voltage spike in our collective understanding, as we engaged deeply with one another’s ideas and perspectives.

These varied experiences underscore the richness that comes from educational diversity – the interplay between different learning modes and philosophies that can transform a mere transfer of knowledge into an energetic interexchange. Through academic oscillations between parallel and series circuits, I’ve come to appreciate that it is not the source of the voltage that counts, but the amplitude and direction of the shared current.

As we surge into an increasingly interconnected and complex world, the parallels between education, spiritual and electricity become more than mere metaphors. They serve as blueprints for a more inclusive and energizing learning environment where everyone contributes to the voltage, lighting the way forward. It’s time to rewire our educational systems, not just to supply power but to amplify the shared current.

Educators and students alike must take up the mantle of electricians, understanding the circuits that underpin group learning and designing systems that facilitate an expansive and equitable educational experience. Just as a series circuit can amplify electricity, so too can a collaborative and diversified approach to learning amplify knowledge, skills, and ultimately, human potential. In striking this balance, we ensure that the lights of discovery, innovation, and progress never dim, but shine brighter than ever before.

Balancing Parallel and Series Learning for Optimal Personal and Community Development

In a world where learning is increasingly individualized, the power of community and collaboration should not be forgotten. This piece advocates for the balance between self-driven “parallel learning” and communal “series learning,” which can lead to personal and collective developmental leaps that neither learning method could achieve in isolation.

In the realm of knowledge acquisition, two contrasting forces shape the way we understand and grow. Picture two circuits – one wired in parallel, the other in series. In a parallel circuit, the full potential of the source is available at each appliance. Similarly, parallel learning allows learners to draw directly from the source of knowledge, tailoring their educational journeys to personal interests and pace. On the other hand, a series circuit accumulates the resistance and capacitates the voltage, enhancing the power of the system. Series learning mimics this as communities work together, harnessing individual skills to achieve collective excellence.

Both learning styles have merit and their own set of advantages. What remains essential is not seeing them as opposing choices but as complementary elements that, when balanced, form a conductor capable of delivering powerful intellectual currents.

The Case for Parallel Learning:  Self-Paced Education

One of the most alluring aspects of parallel learning is the ability to progress at one’s own pace, free from the constraints of a group’s average speed. Educational platforms and resources today cater to the diverse learning needs of individuals, providing the flexibility to accelerate or decelerate according to personal understanding and engagement. Autodidacts find freedom and empowerment in this model, crafting their education without being held back or pushed forward.

In the realm of personal development, parallel learning is unmatched. It allows for self-exploration and self-direction, leading to a richer understanding of one’s capabilities and interests. When learners are empowered to seek knowledge that resonates with them, they are more likely to engage deeply and to apply new skills and insights to their lives. This type of learning can be deeply transformational, shaping individuals not only academically but also emotionally and spiritually.

The Power of Series Learning:  Collective Wisdom

The beauty of learning in series is the aggregation of varied perspectives and skill sets that occur when individuals come together. Group discussions, mentorship, and collaborative projects leverage the collective wisdom, generating insights that surpass the capabilities of any single contributor. This model is particularly potent in tackling complex problems and in fields where creativity flourishes in the cross-pollination of ideas.

Communal learning environments also serve as robust support systems. They provide accountability, motivation, and scaffolding, ensuring that learners have the resources needed to overcome challenges and succeed. In series learning, the progress of one member benefits the entire group, fostering a spirit of community and shared achievement.

Finding Balance:  The Hybrid Edge

A truly effective learning ecosystem recognizes the power of both parallel and series learning. It encourages individual initiative and exploration while also valuing the collaboration and interaction that come with communal environments. Schools, organizations, and platforms that successfully maintain this balance provide the best of both worlds: self-discovery and community enrichment. They foster not only talented individuals but also cohesive, high-functioning teams.

The balance between parallel and series learning is context-dependent. In highly specialized fields, where individual expertise is paramount, parallel learning may be more prevalent. Meanwhile, series learning thrives in interdisciplinary settings, where the combination of diverse talents yields innovative solutions. Recognizing which approach best suits a given situation is the mark of a responsive and mature education system.

Silicon Valley serves as a beacon for balanced learning. Its culture values individual ingenuity and the exchange of knowledge and experience. The rapid cycles of innovation also make it a veritable playground for parallel learning, with constant updates and personal learning journeys, all while the industry appreciates the importance of teams and the synergy of series learning in the development of complex technologies.

Institutional education traditionally leans more towards series learning, with its emphasis on lectures, group projects, and peer-reviewed research. However, as online platforms become more prevalent, parallel learning is finding its niche in scholarly pursuits. Students and researchers can now explore tangential interests, away from the confines of their prescribed curriculums.

Ultimately, the narrative of parallel versus series learning is not a battleground for one approach to defeat the other. It is about integrating these two learning styles to create an educational network that can adapt to complex challenges and promote holistic growth. As we move into a future of rapid technological advancement, we should remember the timeless potential of human connection and shared experiences. By harnessing the benefits of parallel and series learning in harmonious interplay, we can illuminate the path forward for personal and community development. This balance is the key to unlocking the full voltage of human learning.

The Yin and Yang of Meditation: Group vs. Solitude in Unveiling Inner Realms

Meditation; a practice once confined to monks in the sanctity of cloistered silence, now touted by health gurus and tech tycoons alike for its profound effects on well-being. Within this ancient meditative tapestry lies an ongoing debate – is it the collective ritual that amplifies the experience, or the solitary routine that etches the deepest grooves in our consciousness? With four decades of personal exploration, I’ve navigated the tranquil waters of both group and individual practice, finding not a battle for supremacy but a symbiotic relationship necessary for my own holistic growth.

My initiation into the enigmatic domain of group meditation occurred because of a desire to share spiritual bridges with others. In the beginning, it felt as if the facilitator’s calm words were the very life rafts preventing my drifting consciousness from faltering and surrendering to the relentless chatter of the mind. The stark paradox of group meditation is that while it begins as a parallel experience, it builds upon collective energy in ways that can surpass each individual’s effort. There’s an undeniable power in the synchronicity of breath, the resonance of chanting, if any, and the shared tranquility that permeates the room. Yet, such heights are transient if they fail to seed action toward individual cultivation.

Akin to the hermit crab withdrawing into the serenity of its own shell, my experience of solo meditation was not without its retreats and advances. At first, the lack of silence was disheartening. But as my practice deepened, so did the well of peace I discovered within. With no facilitator to guide, the onus of direction and depth rested solely on my awareness. This autonomy was empowering, and the insights garnered seemed to resonate more profoundly, perhaps due to the absence of external stimuli. I realized that my meditative path was intricate and unique, much like fingerprints or the spiraling galaxies above.

To claim superiority for one approach over the other is to ignore the fluidity of the human experience. It is possible to become so enamored with the collective dance that the individual practice wanes, or so steadfast in solitude that one forgets the dance at all. Through my winding exploration, it became clear that balance was the linchpin to unlock the true potential of meditation. Group sessions serve as reminders – mirrors of our shared struggles and aspirations. They bestow energy like a crowd to a performer; they witness and uplift. On the other hand, the solace of personal meditation offers a still canvas where one can paint their deepest fears, dreams, and truths, free from the noise of external expectation.

The burgeoning cults of individualism and community both bear a fragment of truth. While I cannot dispute the uplift that fellowship meditation provides, I equally revere the silent power of the individual’s inner quest. The threadbare truth that binds them is this – in a world striving for harmony, there is room for both the chorus and the whisper.

We are sculptors of the soul, tasked with chiseling the marble of our potential. Group meditation acts as a craftsman’s school, raw and full of diverse influence, while solitary practice offers the studio, where intimate artistry can be unbound. To limit oneself to either is to deny the color of the full spectrum. My meditation is now a blend of the teachings I’ve absorbed in groups and the unfurling horizons I’ve glimpsed in solitude. It’s a practice reflected in the harmony of waves, rising and falling, each complementing the other in the grand, enduring composition of life.


I am 69 years old, and I am a retired person. I began writing in 2016. I am married to Sharon White, a retired hospice nurse, and writer. Whose Death Is It Anyway-A Hospice Nurse Remembers Sharon is a wonderful friend and life partner of nearly 30 years. We have three grandsons through two of Sharon's children. I am not a published writer or poet. My writings are part of my new life in retirement. I have recently created a blog, and I began filling it up with my writings on matters of recovery and spirituality. I saw that my blog contained enough material for a book, so that is now my new intention, to publish a book, if only so that my grandsons can get to know who their grandfather really was, once I am gone. The title for my first book will be: Penetrating The Conspiracy Of Silence, or, How I Lived Beyond My Expiration Date I have since written 7 more books, all of which are now posted on this site. I have no plans to publish any of them, as their material is not of general interest, and would not generate enough income to justify costs. I have taken a deep look at life, and written extensively about it from a unique and rarely communicated perspective. Some of my writing is from 2016 on to the present moment. Other writing covers the time prior to 1987 when I was a boy, then an addict and alcoholic, with my subsequent recovery experience, and search for "Truth". Others are about my more recent experiences around the subjects of death, dying, and transformation, and friends and family having the most challenging of life's experiences. There are also writings derived from my personal involvement with and insight into toxic masculinity, toxic religion, toxic capitalism, and all of their intersections with our leadere. These topics will not be a draw for all people, as such personal and/or cultural toxicities tends to get ignored, overlooked, or "normalized" by those with little time for insight, introspection, or interest in other people's points of view on these troubling issues. There also will be a couple of writings/musings about "GOD", but I try to limit that kind of verbal gymnastics, because it is like chasing a sunbeam with a flashlight. Yes, my books are non-fiction, and are not good reading for anybody seeking to escape and be entertained. Some of the writings are spiritual, philosophical and intellectual in nature, and some descend the depths into the darkest recesses of the human mind. I have included a full cross section of all of my thoughts and feelings. It is a classic "over-share", and I have no shame in doing so. A Master Teacher once spoke to me, and said "no teacher shall effect your salvation, you must work it out for yourself". "Follow new paths of consciousness by letting go of all of the mental concepts and controls of your past". This writing represents my personal work towards that ultimate end.