Please Ignore, if you must, listen with your heart, if you can trust! Our POTU$ has unleashed more hatred and anxiety than any president in recent memory. Congratulations to the Commander of Thieves (oops, I think that I mean Commander-in-Chief).   TREASON:   Trump Related Extreme Anxiety Stalks Our Nation Read more…

John Lennon and the song “God” Remember those late night television commercials in the 1960’s and 1970’s, where Tom Peterson would come on the air, and knock on the inside of the screen of our TV’s, yelling “WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!” ? This is John Lennon’s equivalent in song, without the sales pitch to buy Read more…


Notes to myself   Trump, and the NRA’s ideas around guns, are filled with holes, BULLET HOLES. I have written extensively about Toxic Masculinity, and there is a direct relationship between the damaged American Male, and the incidence of gun marketing, distribution, sales, use, murder and terrorism within our country. Read more…

Master Teacher Of The Light-An Epic, Disjointed Tale Of Disease, Recovery, and Healing

The following is an epic collection of thoughts about and experiences of my life. Master Teacher Of The Light More than once, certain members of our human race have had “mountain top” experiences, where true insight has been gained into understanding life, love, and both the ephemeral, and eternal, natures Read more…