Facebook Commentary

Why Facebook?   It all started rather subtly when people began to substitute email connections and the photographic attachments to them for much of their real life social involvement. It was such a natural progression from email communications to Facebook and all other present day online media forums.   How Read more…

Spiritual/Cosmic Experiences, And Incomplete Integration With My Work Career

It was the summer of 1993, and I had scheduled a 5-day retreat with Eileen Bowden and 20 other followers of the Infinite Way, a mystical healing path originated by Joel Goldsmith (died in 1964).  The retreat took place in Federal Way, Washington, at the Pacific Palisades retreat center overlooking Read more…

A Holy Rascal Speaks

CAUTION: Tough language characteristic of our POTU$ contained below. When speaking about the devil, sometimes the devil’s language has to be used.   Trump’s latest actions are just more “normalized” amoral actions by our “stable genius” of a POTU$ (normalized by the likes of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and his many Read more…

Initial Foray Into The Common Knowledge Game: Oppression, Repression, Depression, Alienation, Separation, and Collective Consciousness

What is oppression, and what is my relationship to it? What is repression, and why do I participate in it? What is good “mental health”? Why do people continue to experience poor self-esteem? Why are some people always so angry, or depressed? Why can’t some people be more emotionally and Read more…