Book #9 Chapter 7–An Electrician’s Guide To Our Galaxy-Living Life On A Wider Frequency:  Language as the Manifestation of the Divine Within Us

In a world where words are flung like arrows and chatter cacophonously mingles with the symphony of silence, it’s easy to overlook the transcendental role language plays in our lives. Language, when we distill it down to its purest form, is a conduit – a singular bridge between the vast, unspoken creativity of the self and conscious realization. It is through language that we commune with the divine, express love, seek truth, and, in doing so, perpetuate creation itself.

Our very capacity for language is often seen as the trait that defines our humanity. While other beings may communicate through sound and symbol, it is the intricate dance of syntax, semantics, and context that sets humans apart. But beyond mere communication, language serves a dual purpose – as a bridge to our creative selves and to the truths we seek to unearth.

In the act of creation, artists, poets, and visionaries weave words into tapestries of thought and feeling. With each brushstroke of the pen, a new universe is born, and the artist becomes a god of their own making. When we engage in creation, be it a painting, a song, or a novel, we are, in essence, channeling a divine spark into tangible existence.

For seekers of truth, words are lighthouses guiding us through the fog of ignorance. They have the power to reason, to debate, and to philosophize – leading us closer to knowledge and understanding. But there is more here than the sterile communication of facts and figures; there is revelation. Words, at their finest, open our eyes to the beauty and complexity of the world, revealing a glimpse of the divine in every aspect of creation.

If language is the bridge to the divine, then it stands to reason that it is also the most potent medium for the expression of love. Love, in its myriad forms, is perhaps the most profound and universal experience that we, as humans, share. To articulate the ineffable through language is to witness the sublime.

When we tell someone, “I love you,” we are not simply uttering syllables. We are invoking the very essence of connection and compassion, transcending the material and reaching for the eternal. Love poems and sonnets echo through the ages, crystalizing timeless emotions into structured verse. These words endure, passing through centuries as testaments to the enduring nature of love and the power of language to encapsulate it.

We also cast our positive words out into the world, creating ripples of compassion and understanding. In a platonic dialogue on the nature of love, the philosopher Socrates presents it as a force of the divine. To Socrates, love is the impetus behind all human actions, the power that urges us to seek knowledge and beauty. In this light, our declarations of love, whether through grand gestures or simple phrases, are akin to prayers – affirmations of our connection to the divine through our love for one another.

As powerful as words are in expressing the individual’s divine connection, they are equally potent in building bridges between people and cultures. Language serves as a marker of identity, a vessel for tradition, and a window into different ways of understanding the world. The Tower of Babel is both a literal and metaphorical tale – a moment when language ceased to be a unifier and instead became a divider. It is a reminder of the brokenness that can arise when we cease to understand one another, lost in the confusion of disconnected speech.

Yet when we strive to learn and speak another’s language, we offer a hand of understanding and solidarity. Acts of translation, whether literal or metaphorical, are acts of empathy that affirm our shared humanity. In this way, language can be the very fabric that binds together the diverse tapestry of human experience, weaving unity from the strands of our shared words.

Language is an undervalued divine gift, one which we wield every day often without realizing its true potential. To engage with language consciously – as a vessel for creation, a conduit for love, and a means to connect and understand – is to engage with the divine spark within us.

Let us consider our own relationship with language. How do we wield the words at our disposal? Do we see them as the product of the divine creativity within us and as tools to express and cultivate love? Are there ways in which we can leverage our language to foster greater connection and understanding?

When we give language the reverence it deserves, we can bring about a profoundly positive change in the world. The next time we speak or write, do so with intention, recognizing the divine nature of the words we form. In doing so, we will not only touch the divine within ourself but also recognize and celebrate it in others.

The Power of Words: Architects of Reality and Energy Exchange

Communication, as we know it, is a wondrous interplay of energy and information. And at its very heart are words, undeniably vibrant and influential.

Consider this—words are to our communication with the world, as electrons are to the current in a closed electrical loop. They are the carriers of meaning, the messengers of our thoughts, and the architects of our shared reality. I firmly believe that words not only structure the way we perceive our world but also serve as an energy exchange in a shared human experience.

At first glance, words appear as nothing more than the building blocks of sentences, tools to convey a message. But dig deeper, and we find that they construct a framework that shapes our very reality. Every book we’ve read, speech we’ve heard, and conversation we’ve engaged in has left an indelible mark on our perception of the world.

The narratives we construct, the way we frame events, and the beliefs we hold are all rooted in the language we use. From the cradle to the grave, we are constantly immersed in a linguistic bath that forms our identity and the lenses through which we view life.

The architects of our reality have crafted monuments in the form of ideologies, artistic canons, and scientific paradigms simply through the power of words. It is through language that we come to understand, to imagine, and to create. It is said that fiction can alter our reality; I maintain that it is words, in any form, that hold the might to change our world.

Communication is a two-way street that goes beyond the mere exchange of information. Words carry energy—emotions, intentions, and vibes that can either nurture or hinder. We’ve all felt the buzz of excitement from an enthusiastic speaker, the warmth of comforting words, and the blistering sting of a verbal attack.

The energy of words is a catalyst for action and reaction. It fuels personal aspirations or societal upheaval. It forges bonds or fractures them. It is the invisible force that underpins every relationship, community, and civilization.

Our most treasured memories often include the shared laughter, the loving whispers, and the empowering advice from those whose words built us up. Conversely, the most profound wounds can stem from a careless or cruel interchange. The energy we exchange through communication is as real and palpable as any physical force, leaving lasting imprints on the human soul.

My own life has been a canvas painted by the words of others and the narratives I’ve chosen to adopt. From the encouragement of mentors to the blunt truths of critical friends, from the solace found in the written word to the unvarnished reality served by life’s experiences, words have been my constant companions.

In each success or failure, every joy or sorrow, the language I’ve employed and encountered has colored and redefined my understanding of the world. It is through this intricate dance with words that I’ve grown to appreciate their dual nature—the power to destroy or to heal, to isolate or to connect.

The most transformational moments of my life have been attuned to the deliberate, conscious use of language—books that that I have both read and wrote that profoundly shifted my perspective, a speech that ignited my passion, an exchange that mended a relationship. I stand as a testament to the profound influence words wield.

In a world teeming with words, we are but custodians of the language we choose to send forth. If words are indeed the architects of our shared reality, then it is our solemn responsibility to design edifices that stand the test of time, that uplift and unite.

Next time we engage in communication, whether in casual conversation or in the corridors of power, consider the weight of our words and the energy they carry. Words are not just empty vessels to fill with thoughtless expressions or mere conveyors of information. They are the pulse, the lifeblood, and the underlying fabric of our communal experience.

There is a call to action. Let us be deliberate in our use of language. Craft our sentences with care, for they build the structuring narratives of our collective world. Understand the energy we impart with each word and seek, always, to elevate, to inspire, and to foster connection. In a universe where every utterance sends ripples through existence, choose to be the voice of harmony and progress. Our words are the electrons in this grand cosmic electrical circuit—so, what reality will you power today?

Balancing Words and Silence in Creative Expression

In the grand production of human consciousness, I have found that words are my most heroic actors. They narrate, persuade, encourage, and console; they are the tangible markers of my ephemeral thoughts. However, in our raucous world, almost cacophonous with words, I find that we often overlook the value of silence, the unsung hero that gives depth and resonance to our verbal symphonies. There is an indispensable role that silence plays in our creative processes and the pursuit of balance between the spoken–or written–word and the unspoken yet profoundly influential void of silence.

Words are the bricks of human civilization. They build empires and ideologies, educate and inspire, or conversely, they may wound and weaken. Yet the silence between words and sentences has immense value, as well.  If that silence is imbued with love, empathy, and wisdom, this becomes the mortar which holds the bricks of human civilization together. 

The choice of words, like a painter’s brushstrokes, captures the nuances of our thoughts and weaves the fabric of our social reality. Our very ability to communicate complex emotions, abstract concepts, and intricate plans hinges on these linguistic tools.  It’s important to recognize the weight of words and the responsibility that comes with their power. Every day we see words wielded carelessly and with malice – in heated rhetoric, in divisive media, or even in the mundane murmurs of life. The absence of thought before speech can lead to chaos, misunderstanding, and a global instability of meanings.

The Role of Silence

Silence, the guardian at the gate of consciousness, seems paradoxically tangible because it is the canvas on which our words unfold. It is in the silences between words that we find the space for contemplation, for empathic listening, and for non-verbal communication. Herein lies its value; silence, in its subtle unassuming presence, shapes our understanding just as profoundly as the words we hear and say.

Silence can be the midwife of our ideas. In its company, we give birth to the musings that dare not materialize until they meet a master’s hand. The introspective gaze it urges us to fix upon our inner monologue can lead to profundity. To ignore silence is to risk our creations becoming mere vessels of noise, signifying nothing.

The art of balancing words and silence is in itself a subtle form of communication, a dance of presence and absence. Words can be powerful when deployed in the right measure, but silence too, when delivered with intent, can be thunderous. How then can we ensure that our expressive scales are not tipped too far in favor of either?

The quest for balance invites us to be both speakers and listeners, writers and readers, deliverers and receivers. It asks us to imbue our language with thought and to honor the silent breaks we take as we traverse the conversational landscape. This harmonious practice leads to a more compassionate, productive, and creative existence.

Silence is not a default setting; it must be cultivated. In our modern age, saturated with sounds and stimuli, active silence is a rebellious act. It is a daily commitment to stillness and can be achieved through the practice of meditation, mindfulness, or even the simple yet purposeful act of setting time aside each day for silent contemplation.

The cultivation of silence requires discipline and intention, for it is the act of checking in with the truest parts of our being, beyond the surface chatter. Herein lies the crux of creativity; it is the fertile soil from which innovation sprouts, the unspoken source of inspiration that drives all human endeavors.

In my creative pursuits, I have often found myself drawn to the allure of silence, of the unspoken word, and the restorative power it lends to my writing. I have come to view silence not as the absence of words but as their complement. In my moments of greatest output, I credit my silence, the moments when I choose to listen to the world without necessarily needing to add to it.

This is not to say that I diminish the role of words, but I do see them as tools that become more potent when they have been formed in the silence of contemplation, shaped by the intention, and freed from the encumbrances of idle chatter. My writing, I hope, reflects a balance struck between the words I choose to reveal and the silences I honor in the process.

In the complex matrix of human thought and interaction, words and silence stand as co-regents, each vital in the governance of our conscious lives. Our challenge, then, is to integrate them into a harmonious partnership, to recognize their individual strengths, and to celebrate the eloquent dances they perform together.

May we strive not for a cacophony of discordant voices and a void of fertile silence, but for a rich tapestry of mindful communication. In doing so, our thoughts will be clearer, our interactions more meaningful, and the creative spirit that resides within each of us will be at liberty to blossom in its full glory.

Activating Consciousness for Transformation

In the orchestration of the human mind, consciousness—elusive, yet all-pervasive—serves as the maestro conducting our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Amongst the cacophony of our mental processes, an intriguing notion arises: that our collective consciousness harbors a self-organizing principle. But what happens when the conductor is but a neophyte, its gestures dictated by the ancient instincts that lie dormant within the reptilian and mammalian brain, rather than the nobler faculties seated in the prefrontal cortex? This is the crux of a pressing conundrum—a crucial riddle we must solve, for within the resolution lies the promise of a harmonious human spirit and a kinder world.

We are the ambrosial product of evolution, borne of a lineage that stretches back eons. Yet within our contemporary skulls, we carry the echoes of earlier epochs. The reptilian brain, ancestral repository of survival instincts; the mammalian brain, harbinger of emotions and social dynamics—these ancient keepers have served us, albeit unwittingly, but also sometimes weakened our resolve for compassionate action.

The reptilian mind, with its penchant for fight or flight, is essential to our survival, but when overactive, it casts a sinister shadow upon rationality and tranquility. The mammalian brain, with its impulses for affinity and conflict resolution through social structures, can nurture or undermine the garden of our collective consciousness. A consciousness that, if not meticulously cultivated, can remain ensnared by the evolutionary vestiges that seek to perpetuate the self at the expense of the mutual good.

The key to liberation from the atavistic inclinations that too often confound our ambitions lies in the prefrontal cortex and neo-cortex—engines of our higher cognitive functions. When these regions flourish with activity, they bestow upon our minds the ability to reason, show empathy, and envisage the future. They are the guardians at the gates, filtering out the impulsive edicts of the reptilian and mammalian brain, ensuring wise and compassionate governance of our actions.

The evolution of the brain is both a testament to the patient hand of time and a call to action for the development of our kind. Though we may not dictate the pace at which our cerebral structures metamorphose, we can certainly influence the trajectory. By engaging in activities that enrich these higher functions—meditation, education, and deliberate emotional engagement—we become architects of our own consciousness, casting off the yokes of prehistoric determinism to write our narrative with purpose and foresight.

A mind in balanced evolution is a beautiful paradox—a testament to the past and a beacon for the future. Here, instincts born in the crucible of survival are no longer mere vestiges but serve as the wellspring from which enlightened action flows. When the reptilian brain functions in harmony with the prefrontal cortex, it does so judiciously, grounding our flights of fancy in the practicality of survival. Likewise, when the mammalian brain’s social yearnings commingle with the neo-cortex’s capacity for empathy and reason, they foster a rich soil from which the tree of a compassionate society may grow.

To achieve this balance, we must first recognize the facets of our behavior that stem from these primal origins. Only then can we critique, mold, and harmonize our thoughts and actions with the evolutionary mandate to create a society that is both resilient and tender, bold and wise, and fundamentally attuned to the needs of all living things.

It is no small nor trite declaration to suggest that the elevation of consciousness can act as the keystone for personal and societal transformation. For within the expanses of higher awareness, we confront ourselves not just as individuals, but as a collective entity bound by the tapestry of life. Here, in the zenith of sentience, we are empowered to recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and to act in ways that not only preserve our species but enhance the entire ecosystem of existence.

The transformation wrought by an ascendant consciousness is not one of grandiloquent revolution, but rather of incremental, foundational change. It is the small compounding acts of kindness, the steadfast resolve in the face of primal urges, and the indomitable pursuit of knowledge and understanding that collectively catalyze a shift toward a more harmonious society.

We find ourselves at the cusp of a pivotal epoch in human history, where our individual and collective consciousness bears the potential both to stall the looming detriments of our primal heritage and to unfold a new chapter of enlightened coexistence. To this end, the activation of our prefrontal cortex and neo-cortex stands not as a mere suggestion, but an imperative—a call to arms where arms are not for conflict, but for the tender cultivation of our kind.

In our society, so fraught with division and ecological perils, it is those with the activated consciousness who tread lightly upon the Earth, not out of fear, but with the profound respect of fellow wayfarers. They are the ambassadors of a new humanism, where the advancements of the neo-cortex do not alienate us from our roots, but rather intertwine us more deeply with the fabric of life, granting us the wisdom to cherish and protect every thread in the intricate design of existence.

Consider this my clarion call to activate your consciousness, to rise above the murmuring instincts of our reptilian past, to infuse our existence with the song of the prefrontal and neo-cortical symphony. It is through this transcendence that we may well script a narrative not only redemptive of our past but exultant in its potential for a future steeped in compassion, inclusive diversity, ecological awareness, and love for all beings.


Presently, I am 67 years old, and I am learning how to live the life of a retired person. I am married to Sharon White, a retired hospice nurse, and writer. Whose Death Is It Anyway-A Hospice Nurse Remembers Sharon is a wonderful friend and life partner of nearly 30 years. We have three grandsons through two of Sharon's children. I am not a published writer or poet. My writings are part of my new life in retirement. I have recently created a blog, and I began filling it up with my writings on matters of recovery and spirituality. I saw that my blog contained enough material for a book, so that is now my new intention, to publish a book, if only so that my grandsons can get to know who their grandfather really was, once I am gone. The title for my first book will be: Penetrating The Conspiracy Of Silence, or, How I Lived Beyond My Expiration Date I have since written 7 more books, all of which are now posted on this site. I have no plans to publish any of them, as their material is not of general interest, and would not generate enough income to justify costs. I have taken a deep look at life, and written extensively about it from a unique and rarely communicated perspective. Some of my writing is from 2016 on to the present moment. Other writing covers the time prior to 1987 when I was a boy, then an addict and alcoholic, with my subsequent recovery experience, and search for "Truth". Others are about my more recent experiences around the subjects of death, dying, and transformation, and friends and family having the most challenging of life's experiences. There are also writings derived from my personal involvement with and insight into toxic masculinity, toxic religion, toxic capitalism, and all of their intersections with our leadere. These topics will not be a draw for all people, as such personal and/or cultural toxicities tends to get ignored, overlooked, or "normalized" by those with little time for insight, introspection, or interest in other people's points of view on these troubling issues. There also will be a couple of writings/musings about "GOD", but I try to limit that kind of verbal gymnastics, because it is like chasing a sunbeam with a flashlight. Yes, my books are non-fiction, and are not good reading for anybody seeking to escape and be entertained. Some of the writings are spiritual, philosophical and intellectual in nature, and some descend the depths into the darkest recesses of the human mind. I have included a full cross section of all of my thoughts and feelings. It is a classic "over-share", and I have no shame in doing so. A Master Teacher once spoke to me, and said "no teacher shall effect your salvation, you must work it out for yourself". "Follow new paths of consciousness by letting go of all of the mental concepts and controls of your past". This writing represents my personal work towards that ultimate end.